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Merrell’s Strong Kids Implementation Workshop

Merrell’s Strong Kids Implementation Workshop

About the Seminar


Dianna Carrizales-Engelmann, PhD
Laura Feuerborn, PhD, NCSP
Barbara Gueldner, PhD, NCSP
Oanh Tran, PhD
Sara Whitcomb, PhD
Danielle Parisi-Damico, PhD

Seminar Length:

1-day Overview
2-day Comprehensive

Number of Participants:

1-day Overview: up to 100 participants
2-day Comprehensive: up to 100 participants

Speaker Fees:

1-day training: $2,500
2-day training: $4,600

What do speaker fees include?

Note: A workshop can be tailored to Merrell’s Strong Start series, Merrell’s Strong Kids series, and Merrell’s Strong Teens. For the sake of brevity, we refer to any of these levels of the program throughout this proposal as “Merrell’s Strong Kids.”

Seminar Description

1 day-Overview: Merrell’s Strong Kids Implementation Workshop will give participants a start-to-finish introduction to understanding and using this proven social-emotional learning curriculum. Attendees will begin with a complete overview of the program, including its theoretical basis, use of the program within a multi-tiered system of support, its foundation in cognitive-behavioral principles and effective instruction, and the evidence supporting the program. Then they’ll learn the specifics of implementation, including:

  • exploring individual lesson content
  • using classroom organizational strategies that promote student participation
  • infusing social-emotional learning into academic instruction and activities
  • choosing adaptations that can be used to fit students’ needs
  • understanding the role of assessment
  • addressing student comments that may give teachers pause
  • using the lesson materials (with brief practice opportunities)


2 day-Comprehensive: A two-day, comprehensive Merrell’s Strong Kids Implementation Workshop will include all the training information and activities in the one-day overview workshop, and will expand on that training to explore how Merrell’s Strong Kids fits within a Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) framework. Advanced topics related to the intersection between implementation science practices and Strong Kids will be explored, and participants will reflect on how these principles apply to their own schools and programs.


Topics may include:

  • assessment practices in pre-planning, implementation, follow-up, and maintaining a program over time
  • adaptations and modifications to content based on students’ culture and developmental and/or grade level
  • use of student voice
  • peer consultation and coaching practices that can improve outcomes
  • collaboration with stakeholders such as parents and administrators
  • coordination of Strong Kids with other programs, strategies, and initiatives
  • the value of educators cultivating personal competence in social and emotional learning
  • planning for sustainable practices
  • barriers to effective implementation


Who Will Benefit from this Seminar:

School psychologists, school counselors, school social workers, general education teachers, special education teachers, early interventionists, preschool teachers, administrators, paraeducators

Request more information

Merrell’s Strong Kids Implementation Workshop

$2,500 - $4,600

Request information


1-day Overview Workshop or 2-day Comprehensive Workshop