Working toward a world where every child thrives
Our company was founded in 1978 by Paul Brookes, just a few years after the passage of IDEA (then called Public Law 94-142, or the Education of All Handicapped Children Act). “A huge incentive for starting Brookes was the passage of PL 94-142.” Paul says. “The very foundation of our company was built on addressing the needs the new law brought to light—it created new mandates and requirements, and our mission was to help professionals meet them.”
Starting with Paul’s vision and a small editorial team with a passion for helping children, Brookes has grown into a company of diverse and dedicated professionals who understand your challenges and share your vision for a world where every child thrives. Though we look back with pride on a legacy of more than four decades, we’re a dynamic and responsive company, committed to staying in touch with new research and developments—and bringing them to the professionals who create meaningful change in the lives of children and families.
Here are some key events, titles, and milestones in Brookes history.

Our Science of Reading titles take off
As interest in evidence-based literacy instruction ramps up, so does demand for the trusted books by our Literacy All-Stars: Joan Sedita, Nancy Hennessy, Louisa Moats, Elsa Cárdenas-Hagan, and more! These professional development resources empower teachers nationwide with the knowledge and strategies they need to turn students into successful readers and writers.
New multilingual list acquired
In spring 2022, Brookes acquires Caslon Publishing’s titles on multilingual language and literacy education. Brookes has been a longtime believer in Caslon’s mission: to support evidence-based teaching practices and increase educational equity for culturally and linguistically diverse students. Our company looks forward to continuing Caslon’s important work.
AEPS-3 debuts
New Editions from Renowned Literacy Expert Louisa Moats
In 2020, Brookes releases the anticipated third editions of the Speech to Print textbook and workbook—two highly respected and widely used resources on delivering explicit, high-quality literacy instruction. Created by top expert Louisa Cook Moats (in collaboration with seasoned educator Bruce Rosow on the workbook), these teacher-prep essentials offer accurate, up-to-date, and accessible information on the structure and function of language and the “how” of assessment and instruction.
New Edition of Gold-Standard Disability Text
In spring 2019, Brookes releases the eighth edition of Children with Disabilities, the authoritative textbook from senior editor Mark Batshaw, M.D. and colleagues. Trusted for four decades by university faculty and professionals from diverse fields, Children with Disabilities is the gold-standard text on working effectively with children and families. The new edition includes comprehensive coverage of contemporary issues, the latest evidence-based practices, and contributions from a who’s who of today’s leading experts.
Groundbreaking inclusion titles from pioneers and fresh voices
Brookes continues to lead the way as the publisher of authoritative, progressive voices in the field of inclusive education. Pioneering expert Cheryl Jorgensen—already a two-time Brookes author—takes authentic inclusion to the next level with her guidebook It’s More than “Just Being In.” And exciting new author Nicole Eredics turns her years of classroom expertise into real-world strategies in Inclusion in Action.
The MILLIE series sets young learners on the path to reading success
With the expanding family of MILLIE products—Story Friends, PAth to Literacy, and 2018’s Assessment of Story Comprehension—early childhood educators have fun, innovative, and research-based ways to help young children boost the early literacy skills that predict later success in reading.
Timely new guides tackle bullying and other behavior challenges
Brookes partners with top behavior experts to help teachers reduce bullying, promote social acceptance, and embrace positive behavior support. Key titles: Knoster & Drogan’s Teacher’s Pocket Guide for Positive Behavior Support; Ernsperger’s Recognize, Respond, Report; Gross’s Restore the Respect, and Favazza et al.’s Making Friends Program.
Celebrating 20 years of ASQ
ASQ®, the trusted screener from renowned experts Jane Squires & Diane Bricker, turns 20! We have lots to celebrate: ASQ is in its third edition, and the social-emotional screener ASQ®:SE is in its second. Thousands of programs in all 50 states have used ASQ to check children’s development and help families celebrate milestones. And new products—from learning activities to new translations—keep the ASQ family growing all the time!
TILLS and QUILS redefine language and literacy screening and assessment
Developed by all-star teams of experts, TILLS™ and QUILS™ give SLPs and educators efficient new ways to screen and assess children for language and literacy challenges. New Brookes products continue to reflect our commitment to early detection of language and literacy delays: see the BESA bilingual assessment (2018).
A new wave of inclusion guides puts the focus on preK
Despite progress, preK inclusion still lags behind K-12 inclusion. We expand our preK inclusion offerings with innovative new titles for today’s teachers, including Barton & Smith’s Preschool Inclusion Toolbox, Richardson-Gibbs & Klein’s Making Preschool Inclusion Work, and Gupta’s First Steps to Preschool Inclusion.
The first Brookes book on UDL sets the stage for many more
Recognizing the transformative power of universal design for learning, Brookes teams up with UDL expert Loui Lord Nelson on the bestselling book Design and Deliver. This influential primer is the keystone of our expanding line of real-world UDL guides; see Rapp’s Universal Design for Learning in Action and Ralabate’s Your UDL Lesson Planner.
New resources on applying the Pyramid Model
First unveiled in a 2003 Young Children article, The Pyramid Model uses three levels of support (universal, targeted, and individualized) to promote social-emotional competence in young children. Brookes leads the way in publishing books and tools on this evidence-based model, including the Preschool-Wide Evaluation Tool™ (PreSET™), the Teaching Pyramid Observation Tool (TPOT™), and The Teaching Pyramid Infant‑Toddler Observation Scale (TPITOS). We also partner with the Pyramid Model Consortium (PMC) to expand access to the model for educators across the country.
ASQ Online makes screening easier than ever
ASQ Online debuts, offering online questionnaire completion and data management to the thousands of ASQ users across the country and around the world. ASQ Family Access allows par¬ents to fill out questionnaires quickly and accurately on a computer, tablet, or smartphone, and ASQ Pro and ASQ Enterprise give programs access to automated scoring, easy reporting, and more ways to communicate with families.
Our experts help teachers nationwide say “yes” to inclusion
The country’s most passionate and knowledgeable inclusion experts partner up with Brookes to bring busy teachers real-world tips and strategies on how to include every learner. Game-changing titles include Julie Causton’s Inclusive School Practices series, Paula Kluth’s You’re Going to Love this Kid!, and new editions of Snell & Janney’s Teachers’ Guides to Inclusive Practices.
Strong Kids makes social-emotional learning fun
Expanding our focus on social-emotional development, we partner with a team of educational and mental health experts (led by Kenneth Merrell) to bring teachers the Strong Kids curricula for preK through Grade 12 (now in their second editions). These engaging, age-appropriate curricula help students learn about emotions and develop critical social-emotional skills, from managing anger to reducing stress.
AEPSi streamlines assessment and intervention
Brookes unveils AEPSinteractive™ (AEPSi™), a user-friendly web-based management system for AEPS. Now it’s even easier for busy AEPS users to seamlessly link assessment, goal development, intervention, and evaluation for young children. The new system also helps AEPS users run reports in seconds, slash time spent on paperwork, meet OSEP reporting mandates, and assess multiple children at once with group activities.
Authorities on autism blaze new trails with Brookes
Brookes moves the field forward with seminal titles from renowned autism experts, including Amy Wetherby (CSBS and Autism Spectrum Disorders), Barry Prizant (SCERTS), Kathleen Quill (DO-WATCH-LISTEN-SAY, now in a second edition) and Robert & Lynn Koegel (look for the new edition of their breakthrough 2005 guide, Pivotal Response Treatments for Autism). And Paula Kluth’s practical, teacher-friendly guidebooks paved the way for full inclusion of learners with autism.
Brookes On Location connects you with our experts
Our new professional development program launches, connecting the developers behind key Brookes resources with the professionals who use them. Brookes On Location brings the experts right to you for hands-on, customized seminars that meet your learning needs. As of 2018, we offer eighteen BOL seminars on some of our most trusted early childhood tools.
ASQ® revolutionizes developmental screening
The product of decades of research by Jane Squires, Diane Bricker, and their colleagues, ASQ® answers the need for an affordable, reliable, way to screen children in the critical early years and identify potential delays. This trailblazing screener is the first to have parents complete the questionnaires—which makes results more accurate and makes screening more efficient and economical.
Today, ASQ is the most widely used and respected developmental screener in the world. More than a million questionnaires are completed every year, and the third edition, ASQ®-3, has been translated into more than 30 languages. New ASQ products have addressed users’ evolving needs, including ASQ Online and the dedicated social-emotional screener ASQ®:SE-2.
Brookes books guide teachers through a sea change in reading instruction
As a reading revolution takes shape, we prepare current and future reading teachers with practical guides (like
Marilyn Adams’ Phonemic Awareness in Young Children) and textbooks (like Louisa Moats’ Speech to Print and Marcia Henry’s Unlocking Literacy). When a 2000 report from the National Reading Panel reshapes our understanding of how to teach children to read, we publish a book that takes an in-depth look at the findings: McCardle’s The Voice of Evidence in Reading Research.
G. Reid Lyon and other experts change our understanding of learning disabilities
G. Reid Lyon’s influential Brookes books on learning disabilities are published—and become classics with a lasting effect on the field. Today, Brookes is still the proud publisher of cutting-edge textbooks on reaching and teaching students with learning disabilities, including Mather et al.’s Learning Disabilities and Challenging Behaviors and Berninger & Wolf’s Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, OWL LD, and Dyscalculia, and Birsh & Carreker’s Multisensory Teaching of Basic Language Skills.
ASQ®:SE responds to the need for social-emotional screening
As social-emotional competence is recognized as integral to success in school and life, ASQ developers Squires & Bricker give the field a powerful new tool: a screener with a deep, exclusive focus on social-emotional behaviors. With ASQ:SE, programs now have an easy way to find young children at risk for social or emotional difficulties, recognize behaviors of concern to caregivers, and identify any need for further assessment. The new edition, ASQ®:SE-2, expands the age range and makes family engagement easier than ever.
Breakthrough guides on preK inclusion
Two important new preschool inclusion resources give early childhood educators real-world strategies for meeting the needs of diverse learners. Sandall & Schwartz’s practical guidebook, Building Blocks for Teaching Preschoolers with Special Needs, makes evidence-based inclusion practices accessible for preschool teachers. And with Blended Practices for Teaching Young Children in Inclusive Settings by Grisham-Brown et al., teachers discover how to blend the best of special education and general education so all children can learn. Both books are in new editions and continue to shape inclusive practices in early childhood.
Meaningful Differences identifies the word gap
In the landmark study published in their book Meaningful Differences in the Everyday Experience of Young American Children, Betty Hart & Todd Risley recorded parent-child spoken interactions in 42 families. They discovered that some children heard 30 million fewer words by their fourth birthdays than others—and that this “word gap” has long-term effects on later child outcomes. Meaningful Differences has had a huge impact in the twenty years since Brookes published it, prompting followup studies on the word gap and major projects like the Thirty Million Words® Initiative.
AEPS® targets real progress for children with disabilities
Diane Bricker & Jane Squires develop AEPS® in response to the federal call for curricula to improve the skills of children with disabilities. Much more than just a measurement tool, the innovative AEPS links assessment, intervention, and evaluation to ensure better outcomes for children from birth to six years. It’s the first linked system to advance the idea that assessment is not the end goal—real progress is. (The third edition of AEPS is in production now; stay tuned for updates!)
Activity-based intervention changes the way we support young children
As the field of early intervention evolves, so does the belief that interventions should be real activities with relevance to children’s lives. Teaming with experts like Diane Bricker, Kristi Pretti-Frontczak, and JoAnn (JJ) Johnson, we publish new titles on activity-based intervention—weaving intervention efforts into the playtimes and routines of children and their families. Key titles include Bricker et al.’s An Activity-Based Approach to Early Intervention and Squires & Bricker’s An Activity-Based Approach to Developing Young Children’s Social Emotional Competence.
A new book series advances the AAC field
David Beukelman, a leader and preeminent thinker in the growing field of AAC, publishes a key Brookes textbook with Pat Mirenda: Augmentative and Alternative Communication. The book grows into a whole series of influential AAC texts that continue to move the field forward.
Our textbooks get teachers ready to teach
In the last decade of the twentieth century, we set the stage for the future of inclusive education by launching some of our most enduring textbooks for teachers. Widely adopted texts include Orelove et al.’s Educating Students with Severe and Multiple Disabilities, Wehman’s Life Beyond the Classroom, Downing et al.’s Including Students with Severe and Multiple Disabilities in Typical Classrooms, and Wehmeyer’s A Comprehensive Guide to Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities.
The CLI series: our first textbooks for SLPs
Led by Mark Fey and Alan Kamhi and featuring luminaries like Steven Warren and Joe Reichle, our CLI textbooks bring future SLPs state-of-the art research and guidance on communication and language intervention.
Our SLP textbook offerings expand in the decades to come; key titles include Miller et al.’s Communication Development in Children with Down Syndrome, McCauley et al.’s Treatment of Language Disorders in Children, and Paul’s Introduction to Clinical Methods in Communication Disorders (now in its third edition).
We help families who need support & guidance
Starting with the hugely popular guide Steps to Independence, we publish some of the most respected and beloved books for families of children with disabilities. Thousands of parents rely on Brookes books like Turnbull & Turnbull’s Disability and the Family and Pueschel’s A Parent’s Guide to Down Syndrome. We continue the tradition today, with warm and wise guidebooks like Naseef’s Autism in the Family.