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Faculty Support

Helping you prepare the next generation of educators and providers

Brookes Publishing works with leading experts and researchers to bring you world-class textbooks that prepare students for important and fulfilling work in the areas of Literacy, Special Education, Multilingual Education, Early Childhood, and Communication & Language.

We’re your partners for student success, with you every step of the way from textbook adoption through the end of the semester and beyond. Here are a few ways we work to meet the needs of you and your students:

Request an Exam Copy

Qualifying instructors can receive evaluation copies of select Brookes textbooks to help you decide what titles are right for the courses you’re teaching.

Requesting an exam copy is easy! Just search our store for a title you’re interested in and go to the product page. If an exam copy is available for that title, a link to “Request an Exam Copy” will appear on that page. Fill out the form and one of our representatives will process your request.

Find Course Companion Materials

The Brookes Download Hub is where you’ll find all the FREE downloadable materials that go with your Brookes books—sample syllabi, test banks, videos, PowerPoint presentations, forms, handouts, and more. When you adopt a Brookes textbook for your course, you’ll have access to all of its support materials. Whether you’re a professor or a student, the Download Hub is your convenient home base for accessing online companion materials that will enrich your course.

Explore the Download Hub >>

*For more information on the Download Hub, please contact your regional sales rep.

Textbook Catalogs

In the latest editions of our searchable digital catalogs for faculty, you’ll find the newest titles for your courses and a selection of bestselling textbooks trusted in universities across the country.

Browse our textbook catalogs >>

Find Your Rep

Our regional reps are always available to help you find the right textbook for your course and make sure your students are
set up for success.

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