Differentiate Instruction with First/Then Boards

A First/Then Board is a mini-schedule that is portable and can be used to provide more choices to a student or to reinforce simple instructions. Check out this excerpt from Paula Kluth and Sheila Danaher's From Tutor Scripts to Talking Sticks to find out how to create your own! Read More

Differentiate Instruction with Purposeful Puzzles

This chapter explains how to implement purposeful puzzles, a helpful Differentiated Instruction support for students who might fidget a lot during class or need to be “doing something” when they are listening or participating in a classroom discussion. Read More

Building Blocks of Learning

Read the excerpt and become familiarized with the building blocks of learning framework. The framework contains 12 Building Blocks stacked into the shape of a pyramid. The 12 blocks of the pyramid are divided into three distinct groups: foundational, processing, and conceptual. Read More

Building Classroom Expertise

Imagine the possibilities for changing student attitudes and perspectives if students were invited not only to share their fascinations but also to serve as classroom experts and teachers in those areas. This quick excerpt provides ideas for building classroom expertise via student interests and passions. Read More