Using AEPSi to Engage in Authentic Assessment Virtually

This session will highlight how authentic assessment for eligibility and progress monitoring can continue with AEPSinteractive, the online management system for Assessment Evaluation and Programming System for Infants and Children (AEPS), during the COVID-19 health crisis. You’ll learn about AEPSi features that promote teaming, family engagement, and transition between Part C and Part B services. Using AEPSi for OSEP reporting and kindergarten transition during this time will also be featured. An interactive Q&A will follow the presentation. Read More

TPBA2: Can we do assessments via Zoom?

During the COVID-19 pandemic, schools, clinics, and centers are closed, but children still need to be identified for services. This discussion will focus on how to conduct a TPBA2 assessment using Zoom, Skype, or another video conference method. Read More

Bilingual Assessment Webinar

When we evaluation bilingual children who are suspected of having DLD, it is important to consider both languages. Yet, given the shortage of bilingual SLPs it is important to know what we can glean from testing in one language and how reliable that information might be given children’s level of exposure to their home language and the school language. Dr. Elizabeth Peña will talk about instances in which we can make fairly good diagnostic decisions when testing in English and how the home language can be considered in making diagnostic decisions. Read More

TPITOS Scoring Spreadsheet

Once you’ve completed your TPITOS™ observation, calculating results is easy with the Teaching Pyramid Infant-Toddler Observation Scale (TPITOS) Scoring Spreadsheet. The scoring spreadsheet automatically creates a summary page that displays aggregate scores and graphs for every teacher’s TPITOS scores. Read More

Using the MEISR Webinar

This free 45-minute webinar, hosted by the developers of the MEISR, explains unique features of the MEISR, its relationship to the Routines-Based Interview (RBI), how results can be used to help early interventionists and programs, and more! Live Q&As followed each webinar during the original broadcast. Read More