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Overview of natural environment intervention

Read this excerpt for an overview of natural environment intervention (NEI). Coverage includes NEI's legal foundations and a review of literature of effective practice when implementing NEI. An overview of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is offered, together with a discussion of research specifically related to NEI for young children with ASD. Read More

Public Meltdowns and Self-Injury

Excerpted from Freedom from Meltdowns, this chapter discusses strategies for preventing or averting public meltdowns, as well as causes of the most enigmatic behavioral challenges associated with autism, self-injury, and their prevention and treatment Read More

Introduction to PTR-YC

Read the excerpt and learn the guiding beliefs and principles behind Prevent-Teach-Reinforce for Young Children (PTR-YC). Discover the principles behind understanding challenging behvaior, the five step process of PTR-YC, and factors that promote the effectiveness of PTR-YC. Read More

TPOT sample excerpt

This excerpt shows sample completed pages from the TPOT form. Two items from the Key Practices subscale, the Red Flags subscale, and the Scoring Summary Profile are included. Read More

Using the Teaching Pyramid Observation Tool to Support Implementation of Effective Practices: Case Studies

Read the case studies and learn how how the TPOT can be used to inform the design, delivery, and evaluation of professional development related to implementation of Pyramid Model practices. The first case study illustrates how the TPOT could be used when coaching an individual teacher. The second case study describes the use of the TPOT at the program-wide level to identify professional development needs and then to plan and monitor professional development activities using a data-based decision-making framework. Read More

Escala Social de Conducta en Casa y la Communidad

View the sample for the Home and Community Social Behavior Scales Rating Form in Spanish. This product is part of SSBS2 and HCSBS, two easy, reliable tools used in tandem to determine a child’s social-emotional strengths and risk behaviors in school (SSBS-2) and at home and in the community (HCSBS). Read More