Tool name

Test of Integrated Language and Literacy Skills™ (TILLS™)

Use to evaluate

Identify and diagnose language and literacy disorders—including dyslexia, document patterns of relative strengths and weaknesses, track changes in language and literacy skills over time

Age range

6:0 – 18:11

Completed by

TILLS can be administered by speech-language pathologists, special educators, reading specialists, learning disability specialists, neuropsychologists, educational psychologists, and other educational specialists trained in individualized test administration

Time commitment

You should be able to administer all 15 subtests in one 70- to 90-minute session or two 45-minute sessions. If shorter sessions are required, they should be completed in no more than 4 weeks

Are you ever frustrated by your assessment process?
Do you wish there was a better way to diagnose language and literacy disorders—including dyslexia?
Do you wish you had a better way to explain test results?

Then it’s time to discover the Test of Integrated Language and Literacy Skills™ (TILLS™), the groundbreaking assessment that tests oral and written language skills in students ages 6–18 years.

The TILLS Examiner’s Kit is the reliable, valid, and comprehensive test kit you need to:

  1. identify and diagnose language and literacy disorders, including dyslexia
  2. document patterns of relative strengths and weaknesses
  3. track changes in language and literacy skills over time

Now Available: Tele-TILLS

After a timely 2020 study supported the validity of administering TILLS virtually, the TILLS developers have made supplemental Tele-TILLS materials available to guide users who are supporting students in online settings. Existing TILLS users who own a copy of the standard TILLS Examiner’s Kit are eligible to purchase Tele-TILLS.

Get Access

Through 15 subtests measuring key skills (see sidebar), you’ll assess and compare the full range of students’ oral and written language and literacy skills. The resulting scores and the clear, at-a-glance TILLS Profile help you identify and track a student’s strengths and weaknesses—information you’ll use as you develop custom-tailored interventions.

One test kit. That’s all you need to screen with the Student Language Scale, diagnose disorders, and monitor progress. Read on to learn more about how TILLS works, why it should be your test of choice, and how it helps you reach your ultimate goal: improving students’ communication skills so they can succeed in school.


What You'll Need


Test of Integrated Language and Literacy Skills™ (TILLS™) Examiner's Kit


View in Store


Examiner's Manual
Stimulus Book
Technical Manual
Quick Start Guide
Examiner’s Practice Workbook
Examiner Record Forms
Student Response Forms
Student Language Scales (forms only, SLS Manual not included)
Digital Audio Files (on USB drive)
TILLS tote bag
Tele-TILLS Instructions

Additional products and resources

Free downloads

TILLS sampler

Download the sampler and get an in-depth understanding of the Test of Integrated Language and Literacy Skills (TILLS). TILLS is the groundbreaking assessment professionals need to test oral and written…

The TILLS Advantage: A Q&A with Test Developer Dr. Nickola Nelson

With so many assessments on the market, it can be tough for test administrators to determine which tool they need to obtain the most reliable and comprehensive information about their…

TILLS Sensitivity & Specificity

This table from the TILLS Examiner's Manual shows the sensitivity and specificity levels by age for all ages tested by the TILLS.

The 15 Subtests of the Test of Integrated Language and Literacy Skills (TILLS)

This handy graphic lists each of the 15 subtests that comprise TILLS with a description of its function, the student task, and a sample item.

Using the TILLS Practice Kit to support your instruction in language/literacy assessment

This webinar will provide an overview of how to use the TILLS Practice Kit to help faculty teach pre-service professionals (e.g., future speech-language pathologists, reading specialists, special education resource personnel,…

Administering TILLS in Multiple Sessions

You can administer the subtests in one session, or you can break them into two or three sessions. This graphic shows you two ways to break the TILLS subtests into…

TILLS™ Brochure

Discover the Test of Integrated Language and Literacy Skills™ (TILLS™), the groundbreaking assessment that tests oral and written language skills in students ages 6–18 years.

Free Webinars and Training

Get training on TILLS from Brookes on Location.

How to get the most out of TILLS

This webinar focuses on using design features unique to TILLS that allow you to assess a student’s oral and written language using a scientifically sound quadrant model. This model is…

Identify dyslexia using TILLS

Webinar participants will learn how to use an evidence-based assessment model and the Test of Integrated Language and Literacy Skills (TILLS) to decide whether a school-age student’s (ages 6-18 yrs) TILLS…

Quickly and reliably screen students for language/literacy disorders—including dyslexia

Early identification of students who are struggling with language and/or literacy is a key component to improving academic outcomes. Knowing which students require comprehensive assessment and which may be appropriate…

How to score and interpret the Written Expression subtest on TILLS

Competent writers can express the same content in many ways, using varied syntactic structures, and selecting and spelling words accurately. Students with language/literacy disorders may struggle with any of these…

Using the TILLS Practice Kit to support your instruction in language/literacy assessment

This webinar will provide an overview of how to use the TILLS Practice Kit to help faculty teach pre-service professionals (e.g., future speech-language pathologists, reading specialists, special education resource personnel,…

Understanding percentile scores–two types of scores; two types of information provided

Percentile scores in student assessments can be confusing for clinicians. In this webinar, TILLS co-developer Dr. Elena Plante clarifies how the two types of percentile scores differ and what unique information each type provides.

View Resource

For more extensive information on TILLS and to view the FAQs, visit the website.