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Language Screening of Pre-School Bilingual (Spanish-English) Children

How can you tell if young bilingual children are making age-appropriate language progress? The Quick Interactive Language Screener ™: English–Spanish (QUILS ™: ES) can help—and this free coffee chat will introduce you to this web-based, game-like screener. Developed for use with English–Spanish bilingual children from ages 3 to 5:11, QUILS: ES measures not only language products (what the child already knows in both languages) but also language processes (how the child learns new words and grammar structures). Presented by co-developers of QUILS: ES, this webinar is a must for professionals who work with bilingual preschoolers.

Assessment and Treatment of Bilingual Children

Editor of the new third edition of Bilingual Language Development & Disorders in Spanish–English Speakers, Goldstein will provide SLPs with crucial information on reliably and validly assessing and treating speech and language disorders in bilingual children.

Connecting Case Studies to Evidence-Based Interventions for ASD

Dr. Prelock will provide a helpful overview of the interventions highlighted in her new book and discuss how they support the social communication and social interaction of children with ASD. She’ll also talk about the supplemental casebook, and how the case studies featured in it can be exemplars for applying what we know about a child to evidence-based decision-making about interventions.

Promoting Language via Oral Storytelling

Storytelling is a sophisticated and academically important language skill that combines both comprehension and expression. The importance of storybook reading is often emphasized over oral storytelling, but when books are less accessible, the power of oral storytelling can be used to promote children’s language skills.

Bilingual Assessment Webinar

When we evaluation bilingual children who are suspected of having DLD, it is important to consider both languages. Yet, given the shortage of bilingual SLPs it is important to know what we can glean from testing in one language and how reliable that information might be given children’s level of exposure to their home language and the school language. Dr. Elizabeth Peña will talk about instances in which we can make fairly good diagnostic decisions when testing in English and how the home language can be considered in making diagnostic decisions.

Let’s Talk to Parents: Strategies for Remote Parent Counseling and Training Webinar

Referencing practical guidance from her book, Let's Talk, and podcast, Let's Talk about Super Special Kids & Cake, expert Rhea Paul, Ph.D., CCC-SLP will present several ways for SLPs, particularly those working with young children, to talk with parents about language stimulation, behavior management, and family inclusion for their children with disabilities.

A Comprehension Check-Up

Comprehension is a complex task that involves multiple processes and skills. Informed instruction is only possible when educators understand how written language conveys meaning. Take a few minutes and check your comprehension fitness with this coffee chat from Nancy Hennessy, M.Ed.