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5 Characteristics of High-Quality Professional Learning Experiences

Which is the most effective way to help early childhood practitioners learn and master new skills: sustained, collaborative professional development or “one shot” in-service training? See the answer to that question—plus four more characteristics of high-quality professional learning experiences—in this free download adapted from the guidebook Coaching and Consultation Practices in Early Childhood. Read More

Coaching in Early Childhood Webinar

This webinar will provide the background and rationale for using a coaching interaction style in early childhood programs to build the capacity of parents, teachers, and other care providers to promote child learning within the context of everyday routines and activities. Read More

TPITOS Scoring Spreadsheet

Once you’ve completed your TPITOS™ observation, calculating results is easy with the Teaching Pyramid Infant-Toddler Observation Scale (TPITOS) Scoring Spreadsheet. The scoring spreadsheet automatically creates a summary page that displays aggregate scores and graphs for every teacher’s TPITOS scores. Read More

The 5 Features of Successful Coaching

This article, adapted from The Early Childhood Coaching Handbook, Second Edition, will take you through the five important features of coaching and give you examples that illustrate each trait in action. Read More

The Coaching Quick Reference Guide

The five key characteristics of early childhood coaching are: joint planning, observation, action/practice, reflection, and feedback. Use this guide to quickly find definitions at your fingertips as well as the role of the coach and coachee for each of these characteristics. Read More