ASQ® Online Pro/Enterprise Account Hands-On Learning Sessions

This training is for use of the ASQ Online system.
This is not a training for the ASQ-3/ASQ:SE-2 tools.

Attend a live, interactive learning session for ASQ Online!

Led by an experienced and engaging Implementation Specialist, you’ll learn how to effectively and efficiently use ASQ Online!

This hands-on, activity-driven session will cover how to

  • set up an account—understanding system roles, entering account information, entering keycodes, adding users, adjusting user permissions, creating custom fields, importing and exporting data
  • manage participant data—setting up child and caregiver profiles, searching for individual child records, setting reminders and follow up tasks
  • manage screenings—adding screening results, scoring and reviewing results, tracking future screenings
  • communicate with families—printing and customizing documents, creating mail-out campaigns, sharing follow-up activities
  • use Family Access—customizing your webpage, sharing the URL with parents, reviewing and accepting completed screens
  • use reports—understanding the 20+ available reports, running reports, determine best report to analyze data and discover trends
  • use support—learn how to make the best use of the help system to find answers and locate available resources

Who should attend?

This virtual learning session is suitable for every level of ASQ Online user, including administrators and providers. New users will learn how to integrate the online system with their current processes, and existing users will get tips on how to better utilize their system getting the maximum benefit. ASQ users considering implementing ASQ Online are welcome to attend.

Space is limited to enable thorough coverage of material and personal attention.

Have questions?

No problem, see our most frequently asked questions, and read on for details about this institute.

Explore the FAQs

About the training

You must provide your own laptop or tablet for this training and Wi-Fi/Internet service. We will provide the Zoom link and the ASQ Online demo account. All participants must attend on their own device. All participants must have their cameras on during the training in order to receive a certificate of completion. Training materials will be shipped directly to you at your preferred mailing address prior to the session. Space is limited.

CEUs are now being offered for a fee through Loyola University Maryland–ASPIRE for participants who successfully complete the ASQ-3 & ASQ:SE-2 Online Institute. Please note that the cost of CEUs is the participant’s responsibility. Learn more.

Meet the Trainers

MaryAlice Batts-Hatfield

MaryAlice Batts-Hatfield is an expert trainer who helps users at all experience levels navigate and improve their ASQ Online interactions. MaryAlice incorporates a thoughtful blend of lecture, demonstration and hands on learning in her training classes. She works directly with users to help them best organize and implement their account and to create repeatable processes so that all providers can utilize the ASQ Online system efficiently and successfully. MaryAlice has a background in education, customer service, business analytics and a B.S. in Computer Information Systems and has been working with Brookes Publishing for over 5 years.

Elaine Chan, M.S.

Elaine Chan is an independent early childhood consultant who combines 30 years of public school classroom teaching with clinical experience evaluating and diagnosing children with at-risk issues. As the lead coordinator/trainer for AZ Learning Institute’s Children’s Assessment and Staff Development Services, she participated in a network with the Valley of Sun United Way, including several AZ First Things First resource centers, public, private, and charter schools, and community and urban venues implementing ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2 live and online screening programs. She is currently a member of the AZ First Things First Coordinated Screening System and Referral Work Group.

Gerald Smith

Gerald Smith is a Career Development Coordinator for early childhood professionals in Buffalo, New York. Working in the field for 20 years, he has diverse experience as a preschool teacher, child care center director, quality improvement mentor, professional development trainer, CDA PD specialist, and adjunct professor. Gerald has been training and supporting a wide variety of early childhood organizations in the implementation of ASQ screening programs, both the screening tool and the online platform, for more than a decade. These include child care centers, school districts, pediatrician offices, and home visiting programs, among others.

Melissa Vandever

Melissa Vandever is an independent early childhood consultant with over 20 years of teaching experience in early childhood as an assistant teacher, lead teacher, and director. Melissa has also worked as an early intervention special instructor, partnering with families with children from birth to three years experiencing developmental delays or disabilities, and as a child development specialist managing Make the First Five Count program for Easter Seals, where she promotes the program to three counties in Pennsylvania and the surrounding areas. Melissa regularly uses ASQ Online and has managed the Easter Seals program with more 2,500 child profiles and 5,000 screenings, setting up over 100 program users and 70+ Family Access pages.

Upcoming Sessions

March 21, 2025
11:00AM–5:00PM ET
Mary Alice Batts-Hatfield
Registration closed

April 25, 2025
11:00AM–5:00PM ET
Mary Alice Batts-Hatfield
Register Now >>

May 19, 2025
11:00AM–5:00PM ET
Mary Alice Batts-Hatfield
Register Now >>

June 20, 2025
11:00AM–5:00PM ET
Elaine Chan, M.S.
Register Now >>

July 21, 2025
11:00AM–5:00PM ET
Gerald Smith
Registration opening soon

August 15, 2025
11:00AM–5:00PM ET
Gerald Smith
Registration opening soon

September 19, 2025
11:00AM–5:00PM ET
Melissa Vandever
Registration opening soon

October 24, 2025
11:00AM–5:00PM ET
Mary Alice Batts-Hatfield
Registration opening soon

November 21, 2025
11:00AM–5:00PM ET
Mary Alice Batts-Hatfield
Registration opening soon

December 15, 2025
11:00AM–5:00PM ET
Mary Alice Batts-Hatfield
Registration opening soon


$475 per participant

Zoom video conference

Seminar Length
1 day (6 hours including lunch and breaks)

Number of Participants
Up to 10
Maximum of 4 people from the same agency may register for this event*


Registration for this training will close one month prior to the training date. Registration may be closed prior to the cutoff date due to reaching maximum capacity.


Registration fees are nonrefundable. If you are unable to attend, you may send a substitute in your place or transfer to another training. All substitution and cancellation requests must be submitted in writing to no later than the registration deadline for this training. Substitution requests have a fee of $25.00, and transfer requests have a fee of $75.00. After the registration deadline has passed, we are unable to accept substitutions and/or transfers for this training.