AAIDD Virtual Bookstore
We’re proud to exhibit at the virtual AAIDD Annual Convention! We’ll miss seeing you in person, but we invite you to browse our virtual bookstore which has all the resources you need to help all students reach their full potential.
save 20% on your entire order*.
Featured Products

This reader-friendly textbook prepares teachers to use dynamic, adaptable systematic instruction strategies to teach core content that is age-appropriate, meaningful, and relevant to students’ lives.

As the COVID-19 era continues to expose inequities, inefficiencies, and areas of need across our education system, leaders and educators have a unique opportunity to press pause and reimagine school.

Unsilenced is a candid look at a pivotal era in disability history and a deeply personal account of how all human beings can flourish when we care for each other and fight for change.

Support this growing population with the third edition of this bestselling textbook, developed by three influential experts on bilingual language development and aligned with Head Start guidelines on cultural and linguistic responsiveness.

This bundle will give professionals the foundation they need to evaluate and compare today’s widely used interventions—and determine which ones will promote the best outcomes for the people they serve.

This reader-friendly resource will help current and future professionals prepare young people to lead fulfilling adult lives beyond the classroom.
A Teacher’s Guide To Progress Monitoring
The practical, teacher-friendly guide you need to harness the power of progress monitoring (PM) and uncover what is and isn’t working in your classroom.
Comprehensive Literacy For All
This book will help you ensure that all students have the reading and writing skills they need to unlock new opportunities and reach their potential.
Explore More
Supporting Students and Staff After COVID-19
This must-have guide is your key to making a thoughtful, trauma-sensitive back-to-school transition plan—and creating a learning environment that meets everyone’s needs better than ever before.
The Grieving Student, Second Edition
With the second edition of this bestselling book, school staff will have the practical guidance they need to provide sensitive support to students of all ages and their families.
Multimodal AAC for Individuals with Down Syndrome
In this groundbreaking book, discover how augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) can enhance communicative competence and improve outcomes for people with Down syndrome across the lifespan.
Augmentative and Alternative Communication, Fifth Edition
Today’s most comprehensive, up-to-date introduction to AAC interventions and technologies for children and adults with complex communication needs.
The Way to Work, Second Edition
Your guide to facilitating individualized, person-centered work experiences for high school students and young adults with a range of disabilities.
Planning the Transition to Employment
A must for transition coordinators, special educators, and employment specialists, this book embraces the widely used “Employment First” approach to career planning.
Effective Literacy Instruction for Learners with Complex Support Needs, Second Edition
Whether used as a text for teachers in training or a guide for practicing educators, this book will help teachers of Grades K-12 increase access to literacy and prepare all learners for successful communication, employment, and community life.
Children with Disabilities, Eighth Edition
This authoritative resource is in its eighth edition, enhanced with new chapters on critical topics, the latest evidence-based practices, updated instructor materials, and guidance on working with a wide range of professionals to address every aspect of child health and well-being.
The Data Collection Toolkit
Take the worry and stress out of data collection with this ultra-practical resource, packed with the tools you need to organize, manage, and monitor critical information on your students’ progress.
Communication Interventions for Individuals with Severe Disabilities
This authoritative research volume investigates the effectiveness of today’s communication interventions, synthesizes evidence from current studies, and identifies urgent research directions for the future.
A Comprehensive Guide to Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Second Edition
A cornerstone text for any course focused on intellectual and developmental disabilities—and an essential reference for every in-service professional’s library.
Empowering Students with Hidden Disabilities
An essential resource for educators, families, and self-advocates, this book will help students with non-visible disabilities dare to dream big and unlock their full potential.
Self-Determination and Transition Planning
Packed with practical, research-validated guidance on explicitly teaching self-determination skills, this book helps educators support students in communicating their interests and needs, setting and reaching goals, and managing their own lives.
Universal Design for Transition
With this one-of-a-kind guide to universal design for transition (UDT), transition specialists and educators will help all students succeed in school, make informed choices about their future, and build lives beyond the classroom that reflect their goals and dreams.
Teaching Transition Skills in Inclusive Schools
A must-have guide for all education professionals in inclusive high schools, this book will help you meet Common Core State Standards while fully preparing all students to succeed: in college, in the workplace, and in life.
Equity and Full Participation for Individuals with Severe Disabilities
Whether used as a textbook or a professional reference, this innovative volume will help usher in a new era of services that support full inclusion and quality of life for people with severe disabilities.
A Leadership Guide for Today’s Disabilities Organizations
An indispensable guide to surviving the shifting landscape of service delivery, this how-to book will help propel ID/DD organizations into the 21st century—so they can deliver high-quality, individualized services to people with disabilities.

Free Resources
- From the blog: 10 Musts for Teaching Literacy Skills to Students with Significant Disabilities
- Free webinar: Planning the Transition to Employment: Tips, Tools, and Strategies
- Q&A: authors David Beukelman and Janice Light answer questions about their new book
- COVID-19: A list free resources to support you through these uncertain times
- Education Newsletter: Sign up for free to get tips on reaching and teaching all learners
*Not to be combined with any other discounts or offers. Consumer orders only. Excludes BOL training, pre-discounted bundles, ASQ Online, and AEPSinteractive™. Offer good through August 31, 2021.