Virtual Administration of Early Childhood Tools

Free resources to help you continue providing vital services

We know how challenging it is to keep your important work with families going during this ongoing public health crisis. Being able to work with families from a distance is more important than ever. These free webinars featuring expert authors and early childhood professionals will offer practical tips, guidance, and strategies to help you continue using these essential early childhood tools.

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Brookes Publishing is committed to providing you with the resources you need during these difficult times. For more expert-led discussions on a variety of early childhood and special education issues, check out our Coffee Chats with Brookes series.

How Providers and Parents Partner Together to Use ASQ®-3 in a Virtual Environment

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Presented by Elizabeth Twombly, ASQ Author; Angela Rau, Parents as Teachers National Center

In this webinar recording of How Providers and Parents Partner Together to Use ASQ-3 in a Virtual Environment, you’ll learn how to continue administering developmental screening with ASQ-3 through parent conferences during the current health crisis. You’ll get an overview of the challenges, opportunities, considerations, and much more. For more information, see our list of free resources to help you use ASQ with families in a virtual environment.

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Using ASQ®:SE-2 Effectively with Parents During Virtual Screening Interviews

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Presented by Elizabeth Twombly, ASQ Author

In this webinar recording of Using ASQ:SE-2 Effectively with Parents During Virtual Screening Interviews, you’ll learn how to support families and continue administering social-emotional screening through virtual interviews during the health crisis. You’ll get an overview of the challenges, opportunities, considerations, and much more. For more information, see our list of free resources to help you use ASQ with families in a virtual environment.

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Using AEPSi to Engage in Authentic Assessment Virtually

Presented by Kristie Pretti-Frontczak and Jennifer Grisham-Brown, co-authors of AEPSi

This session will highlight how authentic assessment for eligibility and progress monitoring can continue with AEPSinteractive, the online management system for Assessment, Evaluation, and Programming System for Infants and Children (AEPS), during the COVID-19 health crisis. You’ll learn about AEPSi features that assist with eligibility, progress monitoring, and working with families during this time.

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TPBA2: Can we do assessments via Zoom?

Presented by Toni Linder, author of TBPA2 and TPBI2

During the COVID-19 pandemic, schools, clinics, and centers are closed, but children still need to be identified for services. This discussion will focus on how to conduct a TPBA2 assessment using Zoom, Skype, or another video conference method. And, get a detailed guide on virtual administration and forms to share with families (Available at the Brookes Download Hub. Free registration required).

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Using PICCOLO and HOVRS for “Virtual” Home Visits

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Presented by Lori Roggman and Mark Innocenti, co-authors of PICCOLO and Developmental Parenting

Continuing to help parents use their strengths to support children’s development remains critical during difficult times. The home visiting tools PICCOLO and HOVRS can be adapted to virtual home visiting in various ways. Join us for a discussion on how to complete observations using online meetings or self-recordings.

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