The rest of the family

Read the excerpt and learn more about family issues that often arise when a child has an ASD. This chapter focuses on the impact a child with an ASD has on marital relationships, sibling relationships, grandparents and other extended family members, friendships, as well as strangers and aquaintances. Read More

Using effective practices to teach students with moderate and severe disabilities

Read the excerpt to learn basic components of systematic instruction; how to task analyze a chained task; and describe how it can be taught across three instructional formats: forward chaining, backward chaining, and total task presentation. Upon completion of this excerpt, readers will be able to provide examples of general and specific attentional cues and responses, and describe the rationale for delivering one over the other. Read More

Positive home–school relations correlate

Read the excerpt and discover the importance of positive home–school relations. This excerpt also depicts strategies for administrators, principals, and teachers on creating effect home–school relations. Read More

Rethinking Students: Presuming Competence

This chapter from The Occupational Therapist's Handbook for Inclusive School Practices introduces the concept of rethinking students. Rethinking a student entails getting to know the student and then reflecting on how you see, treat, provide services to, and work with him or her. Read More

Rethinking Students: Presuming Competence

This chapter from The Speech-Language Pathologist's Handbook for Inclusive School Practices introduces the concept of rethinking students. Rethinking a student entails getting to know the student and then reflecting on how you see, treat, provide services to, and work with him or her. Read More

Making Action Plans (MAPS)

Read the excerpt to learn about the MAPS process and see an example. The MAPS process is a tool teams can use to “think big” for a particular learner; it is especially appropriate for those students who are new to inclusive education because the process can help teachers generate adaptations and supports as well as serve as a starting point for a new IEP. Read More

Delivering effective instruction

Read the except and discover seven important elements of effective instruction for students with reading difficulties. Topics discussed in this excerpt are as follows: explicit instruction, targeted instruction, time on task, quick pacing of lessons, positive feedback, corrective feedback, and student motivation. Read More