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Activity: Play Time

Here's a helpful chart on which least-intrusive adaptations early childhood teams should make in certain situations so that young students can most benefit from play time. Read More

What is Quality Inclusion?

Get a glimpse into the current state of inclusion in the US with this introductory chapter to The Preschool Inclusion Toolbox: How to Build and Lead a High-Quality Program. Read More

Models of inclusion support

This chapter defines components and types of inclusion support in the preschool setting. Examples of common inclusion support service delivery models are also introduced. Read More

The CSS+ Curriculum planning framework

Read the excerpt and gain an understanding of the major components of the CSS+ Curriculum framework and how these parts work together as a dynamic system to guide implementation of a high-quality early childhood education program. This excerpt also provides an introduction to a process for systematically building curriculum plans. Read More

How do children benefit from inclusion

This chapter from First Steps to Preschool Inclusion uses research to share how preschoolers both with and without disabilities benefit from participating in high-quality inclusive environments. Read More

High-quality preschool inclusion: A few basics to help get you started

Consider this: It has been more than 35 years since the Education for All Handicapped Children Act passed in 1975, but only 50% of preschoolers with disabilities in the U.S. are being included in general ed settings for more than 80% of the time. This is surprising when you consider that preschool inclusion studies uniformly demonstrate positive benefits for all participants. Get answers to 13 frequently asked questions about preschool inclusion from First Steps to Preschool Inclusion. Read More