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Read the excerpt and discover the benefits of using technology in daily lessons to address learner needs. This excerpt includes how to use webcasts as an instructional tool, how to support literacy instruction through technology, and what technology looks like in the co-taught classroom. Read More

The Co-Design Model for Collaborative Instruction

This chapter explains everything you need to know about the co-design model, including the four research-based pathways to adopt the system in your classroom. Use the co-design model to promote successful learning for all students in the inclusive classroom setting. Read More

The goal and the lesson

Read the excerpt and discover the role of lesson goals in UDL, how to design goals using the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) as an example, and how goals promote student ownership of learning. Read More

Making Action Plans (MAPS)

Read the excerpt to learn about the MAPS process and see an example. The MAPS process is a tool teams can use to “think big” for a particular learner; it is especially appropriate for those students who are new to inclusive education because the process can help teachers generate adaptations and supports as well as serve as a starting point for a new IEP. Read More

Membership, participation, and learning

Read the excerpt and see examples of three of the core best practices and ultimate outcomes of the BA Model—membership, participation, and learning. This excerpt provides an overview of how membership and participation provide the context for enhancing learning, as well as the importance of, strategies for enhancing, and indicators for membership, participation, and learning. Read More

Rethinking Students: Presuming Competence

This chapter from The Occupational Therapist's Handbook for Inclusive School Practices introduces the concept of rethinking students. Rethinking a student entails getting to know the student and then reflecting on how you see, treat, provide services to, and work with him or her. Read More

Rethinking Students: Presuming Competence

This chapter from The Speech-Language Pathologist's Handbook for Inclusive School Practices introduces the concept of rethinking students. Rethinking a student entails getting to know the student and then reflecting on how you see, treat, provide services to, and work with him or her. Read More