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Early Intervention Quiz

What are the 7 key principles of effective early intervention practices? Find out in this quiz, adapted from The Early Intervention Workbook: Essential Practices for Quality Services by Lynda Cook Pletcher, M.Ed., and Naomi O. Younggren, Ph.D. Providers who follow the practices and principles outlined in The Early Intervention Workbook, based on specific recommendations from a workgroup of today's top researchers, have seen the families they work with have the greatest success. See how well you know these principles (and how well your program follows them in real life). Read More

Activity: Play Time

Here's a helpful chart on which least-intrusive adaptations early childhood teams should make in certain situations so that young students can most benefit from play time. Read More

The significance of personal and organizational change

Read the excerpt and learn about the implications for personal and organizational change. This chapter highlights some of the positive and negative factors that affect practice changes early intervention programs and providers might be required to implement as advances in research, policy, and practice occur in the field of early intervention. Read More

Getting to Know the Family

This brief excerpt explains why it's useful for professionals to gather information on the families they serve, inculding details about family composition, culture/language, and customs. Read More

Implementation science: Defining the new frontier

Read the excerpt to learn the definitions of implementation science and common terms associated with this new discipline, shared themes across implementation frameworks, and application of implementation science in an early childhood context. Read More