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Shared book reading: How you can help close the word gap

You can't turn around these days without seeing some reference to the "word gap"—the astonishing difference between the number and quality of words heard by young children in mostly low-income households versus those in higher incomes. There are plenty of wonderful resources to encourage parents to talk, read, and sing with their children, but how about some tips for teachers? If you integrate these steps into your shared book reading time, you will expand children's word and world knowledge, and help them develop the critical comprehension skills they'll need to achieve. Read More

Communication support for everyday life situations

We all occasionally encounter difficulties in daily communication (ie; noisy room, uncharged cell phone battery), but people suffering from aphasia must confront additional barriers. After reading this excerpt, you'll know how to better support these individuals in experiencing positive day-to-day social engagements. Read More

Teaching adolescent English language learners

English language learners (ELLs) tend to show even lower scores on standardized tests, and the achievement gaps between students of different cultural and linguistic backgrounds remain significant. This chapter excerpt explores the stages of second-language acquisition and provides strategies for teaching EELs. Read More