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A framework for early detection/Child Find

Read the excerpt and learn the definitions of early detection/Child Find, developmental-behavioral screening, and the systems approach. The concepts of surveillance and follow-up are addressed and their use is reviewed. Read More

Home visitors: Try the “developmental parenting” approach

Home visiting approaches have been refined since practitioners moved from the clinic into the family home. Rather than provide services directly to the child or directly to the parent, practitioners can emphasize parent–child interaction so that services are provided through the parent to the child. See how you can use the developmental parenting approach to guide parents in reinforcing and supporting their child's development for long-lasting impact. Read More

Shared book reading: How you can help close the word gap

You can't turn around these days without seeing some reference to the "word gap"—the astonishing difference between the number and quality of words heard by young children in mostly low-income households versus those in higher incomes. There are plenty of wonderful resources to encourage parents to talk, read, and sing with their children, but how about some tips for teachers? If you integrate these steps into your shared book reading time, you will expand children's word and world knowledge, and help them develop the critical comprehension skills they'll need to achieve. Read More

TPOT At-A-Glance

To find out if Teaching Pyramid Observation Tool (TPOT) is the right tool for your early childhood program, check out this At-A-Glance sheet. Download now to learn what the tool assesses, who administers it, how long it takes, and more. Read More

Clear Thinking 1

This lesson from Strong Kids—Grades 3–5: A Social and Emotional Learning Curriculum will help students identify negative thought patterns and to develop an awareness of the range of emotions Read More