ELLCO Pre-K Seminar

About the seminar
Louisa Anastasopolous, M.P.P.; Jill Aviles, M.A.; Sharon Browne; Mellie Bukovsky-Reyes; Jana Crosby, M.Ed.; Caroline Davis; Doris Edwards; Francine Foster, M.A.; Maria Gallagher, M.Ed.; DeVonne Lampkin, M.Ed.; Pam Laning, M.A.; Nancy W. Lovett, Ph.D.; Mary Lu Love; Bridget McGee, M.P.A.; Suzanne Page, M.A.T.; Kathy Ward-Cameron, M.S.; Terry Wasovich, M.A.; Sheryl Wennermark, M.A.; Patty Whitelaw, M.S.
Seminar length
1 day
Number of participants
Up to 25
Training fee
Starting at $4,500
Click here to request more information, get a price quote, or schedule your training.
Using the Early Language and Literacy Classroom Observation (ELLCO) Pre-K Tool
Create classrooms in which children’s early literacy flourishes!
This seminar serves as an overview of the Early Language and Literacy Classroom Observation (ELLCO) Pre-K Tool. Participants learn how to use the ELLCO Tool to identify the practices and environmental supports that can nourish children’s early literacy and language development in early childhood classrooms. They also learn how to use the tool as a catalyst for discussion among co-workers and in selecting instructional practices and strategies that help improve student performance. Participants have the opportunity to practice using the ELLCO to analyze videos and scenarios.
Who will benefit from this seminar?
Pre-kindergarten teachers, supervisors, and program staff, as well as researchers
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ELLCO Pre-K Seminar
Request informationIncludes
1 day seminar providing an overview of ELLCO Pre-K.