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From Classroom to Zoom: How Early Childhood Special Educators Can Support Families Virtually Webinar

What do you do when you enter the homes of children and families not in person, but through a device? This timely presentation will focus on supporting partnerships in virtual settings between families and classroom-based teachers—including child care providers, Head Start teachers, and preschool teachers. Early childhood experts Robin McWilliam & Cami Stevenson offer critical insights on how families and professionals can work together during individual calls using technology available to both parties. Join this essential chat to learn new strategies and exchange ideas with fellow professionals!

Enhancing Remote Instruction with the Building Blocks Framework Webinar

A popular tiered model of instructional support, the Building Blocks framework is widely used to facilitate effective inclusion in early learning settings. But it can also be used to guide decisions about instructional targets and strategies for remote learning and family support—and this presentation will show you how. Led by Ilene Schwartz, Ph.D., coauthor of Building Blocks for Teaching Preschoolers with Special Needs, Third Edition, this coffee chat will outline practical ways to use the framework in support of inclusive early childhood instruction during school shutdowns.

Promoting Language via Oral Storytelling

Storytelling is a sophisticated and academically important language skill that combines both comprehension and expression. The importance of storybook reading is often emphasized over oral storytelling, but when books are less accessible, the power of oral storytelling can be used to promote children’s language skills.

Using AEPSi to Engage in Authentic Assessment Virtually

This session will highlight how authentic assessment for eligibility and progress monitoring can continue with AEPSinteractive, the online management system for Assessment Evaluation and Programming System for Infants and Children (AEPS), during the COVID-19 health crisis. You’ll learn about AEPSi features that promote teaming, family engagement, and transition between Part C and Part B services. Using AEPSi for OSEP reporting and kindergarten transition during this time will also be featured. An interactive Q&A will follow the presentation.

TPBA2: Can we do assessments via Zoom?

During the COVID-19 pandemic, schools, clinics, and centers are closed, but children still need to be identified for services. This discussion will focus on how to conduct a TPBA2 assessment using Zoom, Skype, or another video conference method.

Using PICCOLO and HOVRS with Virtual Home Visits

Continuing to help parents use their strengths to support children’s development remains critical during difficult times. The home visiting tools PICCOLO and HOVRS can be adapted to virtual home visiting in various ways. Join us for a discussion on how to complete observations using online meetings or self-recordings.

Let’s Talk to Parents: Strategies for Remote Parent Counseling and Training Webinar

Referencing practical guidance from her book, Let's Talk, and podcast, Let's Talk about Super Special Kids & Cake, expert Rhea Paul, Ph.D., CCC-SLP will present several ways for SLPs, particularly those working with young children, to talk with parents about language stimulation, behavior management, and family inclusion for their children with disabilities.

Self-Determination Through Goal Setting Webinar

Build the self-determination skills of an individual with a disability by assisting him or her in setting short-term goals. With so many schools being conducted virtually, students with disabilities may be struggling to make sense of their new home-school environments. Helping them take charge of each day by setting and working toward a goal could help relieve anxiety and increase productivity– in both students and adults!