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Shared book-reading research and content learning

This chapter establishes shared book reading as a tool for developing preschool children's oral language and comprehension skills. Research about effective practices are discussed and the Project Words of Oral Reading and Language Development (WORLD) is introduced. Read More

The CSS+ Curriculum planning framework

Read the excerpt and gain an understanding of the major components of the CSS+ Curriculum framework and how these parts work together as a dynamic system to guide implementation of a high-quality early childhood education program. This excerpt also provides an introduction to a process for systematically building curriculum plans. Read More

The role of technology for young children in the 21st century

Read the excerpt to discover how technologies can be a tool for learning in early childhood classrooms, barriers to technology use, how to move toward an understanding of instructional technology, types of readily available technology in a classroom setting, and outcomes of integrating technology. Read More

Kindergarten Transition Parent Interview—Preschool

Use the following excerpt from Successful Kindergarten Transitionas a guide to help families explore their experiences in the fall, winter, and spring of preschool. The intent is to engage the family member in a conversation about school, following up on themes that arise. Read More