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TPITOS Scoring Spreadsheet

Once you’ve completed your TPITOS™ observation, calculating results is easy with the Teaching Pyramid Infant-Toddler Observation Scale (TPITOS) Scoring Spreadsheet. The scoring spreadsheet automatically creates a summary page that displays aggregate scores and graphs for every teacher’s TPITOS scores. Read More

TPOT sample excerpt

This excerpt shows sample completed pages from the TPOT form. Two items from the Key Practices subscale, the Red Flags subscale, and the Scoring Summary Profile are included. Read More

Using the Teaching Pyramid Observation Tool to Support Implementation of Effective Practices: Case Studies

Read the case studies and learn how how the TPOT can be used to inform the design, delivery, and evaluation of professional development related to implementation of Pyramid Model practices. The first case study illustrates how the TPOT could be used when coaching an individual teacher. The second case study describes the use of the TPOT at the program-wide level to identify professional development needs and then to plan and monitor professional development activities using a data-based decision-making framework. Read More