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7 Key Features of Quality Inclusion

Adapted from The Preschool Inclusion Toolbox, this infographic walks you through 7 key features of an effective inclusion program. Pinpointed with early childhood programs in mind, the list is also applicable to K-12 classrooms. Read and share with fellow inclusion advocates! Read More

Activity: Play Time

Here's a helpful chart on which least-intrusive adaptations early childhood teams should make in certain situations so that young students can most benefit from play time. Read More

Kindergarten Transition Parent Interview—Preschool

Use the following excerpt from Successful Kindergarten Transitionas a guide to help families explore their experiences in the fall, winter, and spring of preschool. The intent is to engage the family member in a conversation about school, following up on themes that arise. Read More

Models of inclusion support

This chapter defines components and types of inclusion support in the preschool setting. Examples of common inclusion support service delivery models are also introduced. Read More

Shared book-reading research and content learning

This chapter establishes shared book reading as a tool for developing preschool children's oral language and comprehension skills. Research about effective practices are discussed and the Project Words of Oral Reading and Language Development (WORLD) is introduced. Read More

Using the Teaching Pyramid Observation Tool to Support Implementation of Effective Practices: Case Studies

Read the case studies and learn how how the TPOT can be used to inform the design, delivery, and evaluation of professional development related to implementation of Pyramid Model practices. The first case study illustrates how the TPOT could be used when coaching an individual teacher. The second case study describes the use of the TPOT at the program-wide level to identify professional development needs and then to plan and monitor professional development activities using a data-based decision-making framework. Read More