Floortime Strategies Menu

The DIRFloortime model is a highly effective intervention approach for children and adolescents with autism and other developmental disorders. Use this printabale and laminatable two-sided sheet as a guide when choosing which Floortime strategy you need to work on for the day. Read More

Rethinking Students: Presuming Competence

This chapter from The Occupational Therapist's Handbook for Inclusive School Practices introduces the concept of rethinking students. Rethinking a student entails getting to know the student and then reflecting on how you see, treat, provide services to, and work with him or her. Read More

Rethinking Students: Presuming Competence

This chapter from The Speech-Language Pathologist's Handbook for Inclusive School Practices introduces the concept of rethinking students. Rethinking a student entails getting to know the student and then reflecting on how you see, treat, provide services to, and work with him or her. Read More

Assessing communication skills

Read the except and discover the purpose of assessing communication skills. This excerpt also explains who should assess, what skills should be assessed, and how to assess. Read More

Crosswalk for The Carolina Curriculum

These two crosswalks outline how The Carolina Curriculum for Infants & Toddlers with Special Needs (CCITSN), Third Edition alligns with The Carolina Curriculum for Preschoolers with Special Needs (CCPSN), Second Edition, and how OSEP Child Outcomes alligns with The Carolina Curriculum. Read More

Promoting self-determination and self-directed learning

Read the excerpt and discover the importance of promoting self-determination for individuals with severe disabilities. This excerpt also addresses supporting self-determination in inclusive education, supporting the ongoing relationship between self-determination and opportunity, and promoting self-determination among youth from culturally diverse backgrounds. Read More