How do you support second-language learners in the classroom?

To learn about the importance of dual language development, watch this quick clip excerpted from the professional development DVD, One Child, Two Languages. Discussing research presented in its companion book, this accompanying DVD provides practical strategies and outlines assessment techniques for working with children learning ESL Read More

Body Language & Gestures

This lesson plan from The Social Compass Curriculum will help students with autism understand what others are communicating when using body language. Read More

Introduction to The PRT Pocket Guide

What is Pivotal Response Treatment? What's the research behind it, what does it look like in practice, and what are some good examples of how to use it? Now one concise book gives professionals and parents all the basics of the widely used PRT. This introductory chapter explains the four primary reasons why empirical evidence is important when choosing which treatment approach to use. Read More

Early intervention and AAC

Read the excerpt and learn about the importance of early intervention for young children with autism spectrum disorders. This excerpt illustrates situations in which AACs should be used, as well as common misconceptions about ASDs and AAC. Read More