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5 Language & Literacy Tools You Might Not Know About (But Should!)

Did you know there’s a reliable assessment tool for determining whether a young bilingual child’s language difficulties are due to a delay or limited exposure to English? We’ll introduce you to BESA™ (Bilingual English-Spanish Assessment™) and four other essential screening and assessment tools in this month’s feature article.

How to fit interventions for struggling readers into your day

How do you fit supplemental support for struggling readers into your day? This is a dilemma faced by many busy classroom teachers.

See what the authors of the new edition of Interventions for Reading Success suggest. Here are their answers to some of teachers' most common questions about managing intervention activities for their struggling readers.

Making inclusion work: 5 strategies every teacher should know

Today's classrooms have changed significantly since many educators received their formal training. As inclusive classrooms become the norm, many teachers are hungry for insights that will help them ensure students with various abilities make strides individually while their classes progress as a whole.

Here are five fresh approaches you can apply to create successful inclusive classrooms.

Bullying and the Silence of Others

Adapted from Recognize, Respond, Report: Preventing and Addressing Bullying of Students with Special Needs, this article is a call to action for school professionals to be more active in protecting students susceptible to bullying.