
Tool name

Measure of Engagement, Independence, and Social Relationships

Use to evaluate

A child’s level of engagement, independence, and social relationships within the context of 14 common family routines

Age Range

Birth to 3 years of age

Completed By

Parents or caregivers, with guidance from an early intervention professional

Time Commitment

The MEISR can be filled out in approximately 45 minutes

Young children grow and learn when they participate fully in everyday routines and activities.

Assess this critical dimension of child development with the MEISR™, an easy-to-use tool for creating a snapshot of the functional behaviors of children from birth to 3 years of age.

A rich learning opportunity for both families and professionals—and an ideal starting point for talking to parents about their child’s functioning—the MEISR helps build an understanding of a child’s engagement, independence, and social relationships within the context of common family routines. Completed by caregivers and easy to use with them during home visits, the MEISR helps paint a picture of the child’s functional abilities and highlights future learning opportunities.

Ideal for use with the Routines‐Based Interview (RBI)!


With the results of the MEISR, you can

  • Start important conversations with families about their child’s participation in everyday activities
  • Support child engagement—an important prerequisite to learning
  • Empower families to enhance natural learning opportunities
  • Help families choose functional skills to address within the IFSP
  • Help your team determine Child Outcome Summary (COS) ratings
  • Develop individualized intervention priorities


R. A. McWilliam, Ph.D.                  Naomi O. Younggren, Ph.D.

What You'll Need


Measure of Engagement, Independence, and Social Relationships


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One pack of forms

Additional products and resources

Free Downloads

MEISR At-a-Glance

Get an at-a-glance look at the MEISR, including what it assesses, who conducts the MEISR, the routines assessed, and more!

Overview of the Measure of Engagement, Independence, and Social Relationships (MEISR)

Get an overview of the MEISR, including what the MEISR is, it's components, how it works, and how to use the results of the MEISR following completion.

MEISR Manual Excerpt

Read this excerpt from the Measure of Engagement, Independence, and Social Relationships (MEISR) Manual to get a look at the manual's contents and preface!

MEISR Sample Form

View this completed sample MEISR form to learn more about this tool and how it is completed. Get a sense of the format, the types of questions asked, and the…

How to Use the MEISR™ During the IFSP Process

The MEISR™ has value at many steps in early intervention. Information from the MEISR can be used to assist with answering assessment questions and can provide informational support to families.…

Measure of Engagement, Independence, and Social Relationships (MEISR) Crosswalk

Consult this crosswalk to learn how the Measure of Engagement, Independence, and Social Relationships (MEISR™) can be used in alignment with OSEP Child Outcomes.

Training and webinars

This free 45-minute webinar, hosted by the developers of the MEISR, will explain unique features of the MEISR, its relationship to the Routines-Based Interview (RBI), how results can be used to help early interventionists and programs, and more!

Watch the webinar recording


A Q&A With the Developers of the Measure of Engagement, Independence, and Social Relationships (MEISR)

MEISR developers R.A. McWilliam, Ph.D., and Naomi O. Younggren, Ph.D., discuss the needs that the MEISR can fill, how it complements the Routines-Based Interviews, and more in this developer Q&A!

Read the Q&A

Measure of Engagement, Independence, and Social Relationships (MEISR) User Q&A

Read this Q&A with MEISR user Cami Stevenson, EI/ECSE Asst. Administrator for Multnomah Early Childhood Program (MCEP) in Portland, OR, for a valuable, real-world perspective of using MEISR with families.

Read the Q&A

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