
Tool name
Ages & Stages Questionnaires®, Third Edition
Use to evaluate
Development in five domains: Communication, gross motor, fine motor, problem solving, and personal-social
Age range
1–66 months
Completed by
Parents/caregivers complete questionnaires; early childhood and health care professionals score them
Time commitment
10–15 minutes to complete, 1-3 minutes to score
How can you give kids the best start in life?
Use the #1 developmental screener to catch delays early!
The parent-completed Ages & Stages Questionnaires®, Third Edition (ASQ®-3) is the easiest, most accurate, and most cost-effective way to pinpoint delays early and celebrate children’s milestones. ASQ-3 screens children between one month and 5½ years, without any gaps between the questionnaire age intervals. ASQ-3 is recommended by top organizations such as the American Academy of Neurology, First Signs, and The Child Neurology Society* and is used across the world by early childhood education programs, health care practices, social workers, and more.
* does not imply endorsement by these organizations
Programs across the country rely on ASQ-3 because it’s
- highly valid, reliable, and accurate
- cost-effective
- easy to score in just minutes
- researched and tested with an unparalleled sample of diverse children
- a great way to partner with parents and make the most of their expert knowledge
- fun and engaging for kids
What You'll Need

21 photocopiable print masters of the questionnaires and scoring sheets
CD-ROM with printable PDF questionnaires
User's Guide
Quick Start Guide
Additional products and resources
Additional products and resources
Additional languages
Free downloads
ASQ-3 16-month questionnaire
See a sample completed ASQ-3 English 16-month questionnaire. ASQ-3 questionnaires screen children 1–66 months for developmental delays.
ASQ-3 technical report
ASQ-3’s high validity and reliability have been proven by extensive research. The ASQ-3 Technical Report presents all of the data and research that went into developing ASQ.
Training and free webinars
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Visit the ASQ Website—an expanding library of free resources to help you make the most of ASQ!