Supporting Dual Language Learners During the Pandemic – Q&A with Lisa López and Mariela Páez

We asked Lisa López, Ph.D., and Mariela Páez, Ed.D., authors of the new Teaching Dual Language Learners: What Early Childhood Educators Need to Know, for their best advice on providing extra supports to young dual language learners during a time of prolonged learning disruptions.
Dual language learners (DLLs) in the U.S. are facing unique challenges during this pandemic. With early childhood education (ECE) centers and schools closing during the pandemic, these children may be struggling with receiving the education necessary to continue thriving and to be successful once they return to school. Even if families of DLLs were provided access to distance learning, many of these families may have limited English language skills to support learning at home, may have limited familiarity with the technology being used, and/or may not have stable high-speed internet access. DLL families also tend to rely on ECE centers and schools for nutritious meals, a safe environment, in addition to social and cognitive development. Finally, many of our DLL families disproportionately represent essential workers, such that caregivers are still having to go to work and are at higher risk of becoming ill. These are all unique challenges that can lead to increase stress, anxiety, and concerns over health and safety within the home.
Therefore, it is more important than ever for early childhood educators to:
DLL children and their families are facing extraordinary challenges during these difficult times. Early childhood educators play a critical role in supporting these families and sustaining good practices which we know can have a positive impact in the lives of these children.
Second Edition
Extending the groundbreaking work of Patton O. Tabors and ideal for use as a textbook or in‐service guide, this concise book compiles everything teachers need to know about working with young DLLs—and setting them up for a lifetime of school success.
5 Classroom Elements that Provide Opportunity for Dual Language Learners
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5 Practical Strategies for Supporting Dual Language Learners’ Language and Literacy Skills
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