Reading and Literacy
Give students the reading and writing skills they need to succeed
Science-based reading instruction is essential to your students’ academic success. That’s why we partner with today’s leading literacy experts to develop practical, evidence-based resources that will help you deliver sound instruction rooted in science and prepare your students for long-term success in your classroom and beyond.
save 10% on your entire order plus free shipping*.

Identify kindergarten students who are at risk for learning disabilities, including developmental language disorders, dyslexia, ADHD, and more.

Identify language/literacy disorders, document patterns of relative strengths and weaknesses, and track changes in language and literacy skills over time.

QUILS is a one-of-a-kind tool that helps you evaluate whether children are making language progress appropriate for their age group.
Comprehensive Literacy for All
This book will help you ensure that all students have the reading and writing skills they need to unlock new opportunities and reach their potential.
Effective Literacy Instruction, Second Edition
Whether used as a text for teachers in training or a guide for practicing educators, this book will help teachers of Grades K–12 increase access to literacy and prepare all learners for successful communication, employment, and community life.
Literacy Foundations for English Learners
An essential text for courses on literacy foundations and biliteracy—and an ideal in-service professional development resource—this accessible book will give teachers the knowledge base they need to help English learners develop strong literacy skills and achieve academic success.
Fundamentals of Literacy Instruction & Assessment Pre-K–6, Second Edition
This core text covers the research base for structured literacy instruction and practical guidance on the essential components of literacy instruction: oral language, phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency, comprehension, handwriting, spelling, and writing.
The Reading Comprehension Blueprint
Meticulously researched and masterfully organized, this book offers a clear blueprint for understanding the complexities of reading comprehension and delivering high-quality, evidence-based instruction that helps students construct meaning from challenging texts.
Story Frames for Teaching Literacy
Mastering the art of storytelling isn’t just a goal for professional writers. Analyzing and creating stories can boost critical literacy skills for all learners—and this comprehensive resource will show teachers and SLPs how.
Teaching Reading Sourcebook, Third Edition
A bestselling, research-based guide to effective reading instruction, the Teaching Reading Sourcebook helps educators bridge the gap between evidence-based reading research and actionable instructional strategies.
Speech to Print, Third Edition
Ideal for in-service professional development sessions, this essential text will give educators the strong foundation they need to teach language and reading skills to students with and without disabilities..
More Language Arts, Math and Science for Students with Severed Disabilities
How can educators teach academic content to students with moderate and severe developmental disabilities—while helping all students meet Common Core State Standards? This text has answers for K–12 teachers, straight from 37 experts in special and general education.
Adolescent Literacy
Help improve adolescents’ comprehension skills across content areas with this practical textbook, developed for teachers of students in Grades 6-12 with and without disabilities.
This practical guidebook gives elementary school teachers explicit instructions on how students with learning disabilities can dramatically improve their writing skills.
Powerful Writing Strategies
Highly-effective, field-tested lesson plans that will help transform struggling elementary and middle school students into skilled writers.

For more reading and literacy resources, visit the Brookes store.
*Offer expires 4/5/22. Not to be combined with any other discounts or offers. Consumer orders only. Excludes BOL training, pre-discounted bundles, ASQ Online, and AEPSinteractive™.