Spotlight on Ms. Jen Alexander

In the United States, at least one in four youth experiences trauma severe enough to negatively affect their school success. Acclaimed trauma expert Ms. Jen Alexander is here to help, through her warm and wise guidebooks, her blog posts, and her webinars and training sessions.

Connect with Ms. Jen

Download a FREE guide from Ms. Jen!

Leadership In Trauma-Sensitive Schools
Right-Now Steps and Future Actions for School Leaders


Meet Ms. Jen

As a former special education teacher and school counselor in Iowa, Ms. Jen has more than 15 years of experience providing support to young people and the educators who serve them. As a popular teacher trainer, trauma expert, and author, Ms. Jen shows fellow educators what works and why when it comes to building trauma-sensitive schools. With a unique ability to connect with students, educators, other helpers, and parents, Ms. Jen is devoted to facilitating school-wide trauma-sensitive transformation through effective professional development paired with school consultation. Within minutes of working with her, educators know they are learning from someone who understands the real struggles of every day teaching and learning—and believe that change benefiting educators, students, and entire school communities is possible.

Books & Quick Guides


Building Trauma-Sensitive Schools
Your Guide to Creating Safe, Supportive Learning Environments for All Students

Discover a comprehensive framework for building a safe, supportive school environment that helps all students learn and thrive in Grades PreK–12. With this engaging, highly practical guide to what works and why, your school team will gain insights and develop trauma-sensitive action plans that make a real difference in the lives of all kids, including our most vulnerable youth.


Quick Guides for Building Trauma-Sensitive Schools

Practical, friendly, and immediately useful, this series of laminated quick guides addresses specific topics related to the essentials of building trauma-sensitive schools—safety, connection, regulation, and learning. Jen Alexander has collaborated with experts around the globe to bring educators timely information they can apply right away in their classroom and school.


Training Options

Schedule custom on-site training

Ms. Jen understands that each team has unique needs and would be delighted to tailor professional development to your school, district, or organization. Connect with Ms. Jen today for a free consultation or to schedule a keynote presentation or training for your group.


Quick-Tip Videos

Watch Ms. Jen demonstrate this Mime Activity—a nonverbal, regulating way to get a group’s attention and focus.
How can teachers deal with work-related stress? Ms. Jen offers some helpful trauma-sensitive hints in this empathetic video.
Why should educators be careful with compliments, and what are some constructive approaches? Ms. Jen explains in this short video clip.

More Resources from Ms. Jen