


Tool name

Ages & Stages Questionnaires®, Third Edition

Use to evaluate

Development in five domains: Communication, gross motor, fine motor, problem solving, and personal-social

Age range

1–66 months

Completed by

Parents/caregivers complete questionnaires; early childhood and health care professionals score them

Time commitment

10–15 minutes to complete, 1-3 minutes to score

How can you give kids the best start in life?

Use the #1 developmental screener to catch delays early!

The parent-completed Ages & Stages Questionnaires®, Third Edition (ASQ®-3) is the easiest, most accurate, and most cost-effective way to pinpoint delays early and celebrate children’s milestones. ASQ-3 screens children between one month and 5½ years, without any gaps between the questionnaire age intervals. ASQ-3 is recommended by top organizations such as the American Academy of Neurology, First Signs, and The Child Neurology Society* and is used across the world by early childhood education programs, health care practices, social workers, and more.

* does not imply endorsement by these organizations


Programs across the country rely on ASQ-3 because it’s

  • highly valid, reliable, and accurate
  • cost-effective
  • easy to score in just minutes
  • researched and tested with an unparalleled sample of diverse children
  • a great way to partner with parents and make the most of their expert knowledge
  • fun and engaging for kids


What You'll Need


ASQ®-3 Starter Kit


View in Store


21 photocopiable print masters of the questionnaires and scoring sheets

CD-ROM with printable PDF questionnaires

User's Guide

Quick Start Guide

Additional products and resources

Additional languages

Free downloads

ASQ-3 16-month questionnaire

See a sample completed ASQ-3 English 16-month questionnaire. ASQ-3 questionnaires screen children 1–66 months for developmental delays.

ASQ-3 technical report

ASQ-3’s high validity and reliability have been proven by extensive research. The ASQ-3 Technical Report presents all of the data and research that went into developing ASQ.

Training and free webinars


Get on-site training from ASQ experts at a variety of levels—introductory, comprehensive, and training of trainers. Combination ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2 trainings are also available.

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Attend an ASQ®-3 & ASQ®:SE-2 Training of Trainers Institute—a 3-day, in-depth, step-by-step seminar that gives you everything you need to know to instruct your colleagues in using the screening tools you trust.

Get training


Watch recorded webinars in our ASQ webinar series.

Watch recording

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Visit the ASQ Website—an expanding library of free resources to help you make the most of ASQ!