Welcome, California Inclusive Early Education Expansion Program Grant Grantees!

Maximize your grant funds with Brookes resources

Partner with Brookes to ensure you’re making the most of your Inclusive Early Education Expansion Program (IEEEP) grant funding.

As the publisher and training provider for ASQ®:SE-2 and ICP™, we can provide your staff with the information they need to implement these tools to fidelity. See below for additional resources that can help you maximize your early childhood inclusion efforts.

Watch a recorded webinar for IEEEP grantees

Get a one-on-one consultation about using your IEEEP grant funding

ASQ®:SE-2 products and training

ASQ®:SE-2 Starter Kit in English

Includes everything you need to start screening children from English-speaking families with ASQ:SE-2

Price $295.00

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ASQ®:SE-2 Starter Kit in Spanish

Includes everything you need to start screening children from Spanish-speaking families with ASQ:SE-2

Price $295.00

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ASQ®:SE-2 in French

Includes everything you need to start screening children from French-speaking families with ASQ:SE-2

Price: $175.00

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ASQ®:SE-2 in Arabic

Include everything you need to start screening children from Arabic-speaking families with ASQ:SE-2

Price: $175.00

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ASQ®:SE-2 Learning Activities
& More

90+ fun, developmentally appropriate learning activities, specially developed to complement ASQ:SE-2

Price: $49.95

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ASQ®:SE-2 Actividades de
aprendizaje y más

90+ fun, developmentally appropriate learning activities in Spanish, specially developed to complement ASQ:SE-2.

Price: $49.95

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ASQ®:SE-2 in Practice

Provides an overview of social-emotional development and a thorough introduction to ASQ:SE-2

Price: $49.95

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3-day Training of Trainers

Training designed to prepare professionals to train others in their organizations how to use ASQ:SE-2. Offered virtually during COVID-19 health crisis

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1-day Comprehensive Training

Training designed to meet the needs of novice, intermediate, and advanced users of ASQ:SE-2. Offered virtually during COVID-19 health crisis

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ICP products and training

ICP Set (Manual + 5 Forms)

Includes everything you need to administer the ICP tool

Price: $70.00

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½-day Overview Training

Training provides basic information on how to administer and score the ICP

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5-day Reliability Training

Provides an opportunity to be certified as a qualified, reliable, and proficient assessor of the ICP

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Custom PD Plan for Teachers

Designed to help teachers self-reflect how the ICP might support and guide their everyday planning and teaching

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Please note that availability of ICP training is limited during the COVID-19 health crisis.

Resources that support inclusive practices

Third edition of bestselling title prepares early childhood educators to teach and include every child

Price: $49.95

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The how-to book administrators need to step up the progress of early childhood inclusion through systems-level change

Price: $37.95

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Provides early educators with a 6-step curriculum framework for creating and implementing learning activities in inclusive settings

Price: $39.95

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Everything leaders need to know to launch a successful inclusive early childhood program—and get critical buy-in from your staff

Price: $36.95

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Resources that support practice-based coaching

Created by the respected developers of the Practice-Based Coaching (PBC) framework, this book is the first to offer a comprehensive introduction to this popular coaching approach and practical guidance on how to implement it with fidelity.

Price: $39.95

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Second edition of bestselling guidebook shows how to support colleagues and families through skillful coaching practices

Price: $44.95

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Discover the why and how of the primary service provider (PSP) approach to teaming, the widely used, evidence-based model

Price: $38.95

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Resources that support the Pyramid Model

Provides early childhood educators with a comprehensive, step‐by‐step overview of the Pyramid Model for children ages 2–5

Price: $49.95

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Convenient, online modules to help EC professionals master all three tiers of the Pyramid Model

Price Varies

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The essential tool you need to ensure that preschool teachers are using the Pyramid Model practices with fidelity

Price: $90.00

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The essential tool you need to ensure that infant–toddler teachers are using the Pyramid Model practices with fidelity

Price: $90.00

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For more information, contact:
Dave Scahill
Educational Sales Representative
dscahill@brookespublishing.com | 1-760-212-3358