Self-Determination Through Goal Setting Webinar

Build the self-determination skills of an individual with a disability by assisting him or her in setting short-term goals. With so many schools being conducted virtually, students with disabilities may be struggling to make sense of their new home-school environments. Helping them take charge of each day by setting and working toward a goal could help relieve anxiety and increase productivity– in both students and adults! Read More

How Mediation Restores the Respect Webinar

In this coffee chat school psychologist Ondine Gross will discuss how to facilitate restorative teacher-student mediation—an easy, evidence-based intervention that reduces disciplinary actions and promotes wellness in a school community. She will share how restorative mediation brings the teacher and student together in a positive meeting to model social, problem solving, and communication skills. Read More

Proactive Strategies to Enhance Student Engagement While Providing Virtual Instruction Webinar

This session will focus on the translation of student engagement strategies from typical classroom settings to a virtual instruction environment. Emphasis will be placed on virtual means of providing students with Opportunities to Respond, student acknowledgement and encouragement procedures to enhance student motivation, as well as methods to engage students in virtual communication about course content. Read More

Coaching in Early Childhood Webinar

This webinar will provide the background and rationale for using a coaching interaction style in early childhood programs to build the capacity of parents, teachers, and other care providers to promote child learning within the context of everyday routines and activities. Read More

Inclusive ECE Programs and Educator EQ: Strategies for Developing Teachers’ Emotional Intelligence Webinar

In this webinar, presented by Dr. Kristie Pretti-Frontczak, we'll explore the role Emotional Intelligence plays in forming strong relationships with children with diverse abilities. Specifically, we’ll explore five practical strategies for raising the EQ of those desiring more inclusive and blended practices. The strategies are designed to increase self-awareness, self- regulation, social-awareness, situational-awareness, and spirituality. Read More

IEP Tip Sheets

Download a roundup of 10 of our best IEP tip sheets, adapted from Brookes books and Inclusion Lab posts. Great for sharing with parents and colleagues, these sheets are helpful reminders of best practices for IEP meetings. Read More

5 Key Principles for Preventing Challenging Behavior

Challenging behaviors that begin in preschool classrooms often continue through adulthood. To combat this, more early childhood programs are adopting preventative strategies for coping with challenging behavior. This article examines 5 principles—adapted from Early Social-Emotional Development—to keep in mind when developing a proactive approach to promoting social-emotional growth for all children. Read More