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8 Great Ideas for Lesson Closures

See eight ideas for wrapping up lessons in an engaging way, in this free download adapted from the down-to-earth teacher’s guide The Educator’s Handbook for Inclusive School Practices. Read More

Supporting High Quality Inclusion: The Project Approach

As classrooms and programs become more diverse, early childhood professionals are challenged to engage diverse learners and support the learning of all young children. A proven and popular teaching method, the Project Approach engages the natural curiosity of children through in-depth investigations of topics that capture their interest. Discover the potential of the Project Approach to provide a context that builds community and provides improved opportunities for teaching learning in inclusive ECE classrooms. Read More

How Mediation Restores the Respect Webinar

In this coffee chat school psychologist Ondine Gross will discuss how to facilitate restorative teacher-student mediation—an easy, evidence-based intervention that reduces disciplinary actions and promotes wellness in a school community. She will share how restorative mediation brings the teacher and student together in a positive meeting to model social, problem solving, and communication skills. Read More

Proactive Strategies to Enhance Student Engagement While Providing Virtual Instruction Webinar

This session will focus on the translation of student engagement strategies from typical classroom settings to a virtual instruction environment. Emphasis will be placed on virtual means of providing students with Opportunities to Respond, student acknowledgement and encouragement procedures to enhance student motivation, as well as methods to engage students in virtual communication about course content. Read More

Inclusive ECE Classrooms and The Project Approach Webinar

In this webinar, Project Approach and Special Education experts Drs. Sallee Beneke and Michaelene Ostrosky, will share insights into the potential of the Project Approach to support young learners in inclusive classrooms. They will review strategies and share examples and resources for meeting the educational needs of young children with diverse abilities through the Project Approach. Read More