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ASQ Success Story: First 5 El Dorado

Read how First 5 El Dorado made screening accessible by creating 20 ASQ kits and dispensing them in county libraries—boxes packed with everything a parent would need to complete ASQ with their child. Read More

Why developmental screening matters

Why is developmental screening important? Co-developer of the Ages & Stages Questionnaires®, Jane Squires, briefly explains the purpose of developmental screening and its end goal. Read More

Autism and ASQ

Can the ASQ be used as a screener for autism? That is a question the developers of ASQ get quite often. ASQ co-developer Jane Squires weighs in on the question. Read More

9 steps to plan a screening/monitoring program

Learn the nine steps needed to plan a successful screening/monitoring program, such as the ASQ-3. Unless careful thought is given to each step of the planning phase, serious difficulties may arise later when the system is in operation. Read More

Using ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2 together

It’s common knowledge that all children should be screened early and often in order to determine which kids are developing typically and which are at risk for delays. Get the full picture by adding a social-emotional tool, such as ASQ:SE-2, to your screening program. Read More