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Language Screening of Pre-School Bilingual (Spanish-English) Children

How can you tell if young bilingual children are making age-appropriate language progress? The Quick Interactive Language Screener ™: English–Spanish (QUILS ™: ES) can help—and this free coffee chat will introduce you to this web-based, game-like screener. Developed for use with English–Spanish bilingual children from ages 3 to 5:11, QUILS: ES measures not only language products (what the child already knows in both languages) but also language processes (how the child learns new words and grammar structures). Presented by co-developers of QUILS: ES, this webinar is a must for professionals who work with bilingual preschoolers. Read More

ESQ At-A-Glance

This at-a-glance gives you a quick snapshot of the new Environmental Screening Questionnaire (ESQ), includin what it is, who uses it, and more. Read More

Using AEPSi to Engage in Authentic Assessment Virtually

This session will highlight how authentic assessment for eligibility and progress monitoring can continue with AEPSinteractive, the online management system for Assessment Evaluation and Programming System for Infants and Children (AEPS), during the COVID-19 health crisis. You’ll learn about AEPSi features that promote teaming, family engagement, and transition between Part C and Part B services. Using AEPSi for OSEP reporting and kindergarten transition during this time will also be featured. An interactive Q&A will follow the presentation. Read More

TPBA2: Can we do assessments via Zoom?

During the COVID-19 pandemic, schools, clinics, and centers are closed, but children still need to be identified for services. This discussion will focus on how to conduct a TPBA2 assessment using Zoom, Skype, or another video conference method. Read More

Are you getting the full picture of child development?

It is common knowledge that young children should be screened early and often to monitor development, celebrate milestones, and identify possible delays. But you can get an even fuller picture—one that also focuses on both development and social-emotional well-being—by adding Ages & Stages Questionnaires®: Social-Emotional, Second Edition (ASQ®: SE-2) to your screening program. Learn more about integrating social-emotional screening into your program in this newsletter! Read More