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Teaching Mathematics in Early Childhood alignment with Common Core State Standardsfor mathematics

View the alignment of Teaching Mathematics in Early Childhood and the kindergarten Common Core State Standards for Mathematics. Whether used in preservice courses on teaching mathematics or in-service professional development, Teaching Mathematics in Early Childhood will help educators give the youngest students a strong foundation of basic math concepts— and prepare them for lifelong academic success. Read More

Introduction to Autism Services Across America

Read the introduction to better understand the scope of the book, exemplary regional, provincial, and statewide programs, exemplary national initiatives related to autism, and how to improve services through training, research, and policy. Read More

Promoting self-determination and self-directed learning

Read the excerpt and discover the importance of promoting self-determination for individuals with severe disabilities. This excerpt also addresses supporting self-determination in inclusive education, supporting the ongoing relationship between self-determination and opportunity, and promoting self-determination among youth from culturally diverse backgrounds. Read More

Teaching children with autism

Read the excerpt and discover the learning characteristics of children with autism. This chapter also covers instructional procedures effective for most children, including those with autism, specialized procedures focused on children with autism, and model programs for children with autism. Read More