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Components of Effective Instruction for Reading

Excerpted from Effective Instruction for Middle School Students with Reading Difficulties, this chapter lays out the most important practices that educators should use in order to reach the struggling readers of their classroom. Read More

Differentiate Instruction with First/Then Boards

A First/Then Board is a mini-schedule that is portable and can be used to provide more choices to a student or to reinforce simple instructions. Check out this excerpt from Paula Kluth and Sheila Danaher's From Tutor Scripts to Talking Sticks to find out how to create your own! Read More

Families in the 21st Century

This chapter explores the diverse structures of the modern American family. Discussion questions and a list of suggested web sites are provided. Read More

Building Blocks of Learning

Read the excerpt and become familiarized with the building blocks of learning framework. The framework contains 12 Building Blocks stacked into the shape of a pyramid. The 12 blocks of the pyramid are divided into three distinct groups: foundational, processing, and conceptual. Read More

How to fit interventions for struggling readers into your day

How do you fit supplemental support for struggling readers into your day? This is a dilemma faced by many busy classroom teachers. See what the authors of the new edition of Interventions for Reading Success suggest. Here are their answers to some of teachers' most common questions about managing intervention activities for their struggling readers. Read More

Echo Reading

Excerpted from Interventions for Reading Success, Second Edition, this Home–School Connection activity will help students to increase passage reading fluency and accuracy. Read More