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Early Intervention Quiz

What are the 7 key principles of effective early intervention practices? Find out in this quiz, adapted from The Early Intervention Workbook: Essential Practices for Quality Services by Lynda Cook Pletcher, M.Ed., and Naomi O. Younggren, Ph.D. Providers who follow the practices and principles outlined in The Early Intervention Workbook, based on specific recommendations from a workgroup of today's top researchers, have seen the families they work with have the greatest success. See how well you know these principles (and how well your program follows them in real life). Read More

What is Quality Inclusion?

Get a glimpse into the current state of inclusion in the US with this introductory chapter to The Preschool Inclusion Toolbox: How to Build and Lead a High-Quality Program. Read More

High-quality preschool inclusion: A few basics to help get you started

Consider this: It has been more than 35 years since the Education for All Handicapped Children Act passed in 1975, but only 50% of preschoolers with disabilities in the U.S. are being included in general ed settings for more than 80% of the time. This is surprising when you consider that preschool inclusion studies uniformly demonstrate positive benefits for all participants. Get answers to 13 frequently asked questions about preschool inclusion from First Steps to Preschool Inclusion. Read More

Shared book reading: How you can help close the word gap

You can't turn around these days without seeing some reference to the "word gap"—the astonishing difference between the number and quality of words heard by young children in mostly low-income households versus those in higher incomes. There are plenty of wonderful resources to encourage parents to talk, read, and sing with their children, but how about some tips for teachers? If you integrate these steps into your shared book reading time, you will expand children's word and world knowledge, and help them develop the critical comprehension skills they'll need to achieve. Read More

A Welcoming Congregation: Signs of Hospitality

What does it really mean to be a welcoming congregation? What does it look like to meaningfully include people with disabilities? Learn answers to these questions and more in this excerpt from Including People with Disabilities in Faith Communities. Read More

Teaching adolescent English language learners

English language learners (ELLs) tend to show even lower scores on standardized tests, and the achievement gaps between students of different cultural and linguistic backgrounds remain significant. This chapter excerpt explores the stages of second-language acquisition and provides strategies for teaching EELs. Read More