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Inclusive ECE Classrooms and The Project Approach Webinar

In this webinar, Project Approach and Special Education experts Drs. Sallee Beneke and Michaelene Ostrosky, will share insights into the potential of the Project Approach to support young learners in inclusive classrooms. They will review strategies and share examples and resources for meeting the educational needs of young children with diverse abilities through the Project Approach. Read More

Paula Kluth Tip Sheets

Upgrade your inclusion toolkit with these must-download tip sheets adapted from You’re Going to Love This Kid! by Paula Kluth. Learn Paula’s four habits of effective inclusive educators, proven ways to provide social support to students with autism, practical strategies for getting learning “off the page,” and much more! Read More

Overview and Getting Started with the Building Blocks Framework

The new edition of Building Blocks for Teaching Preschoolers with Special Needs includes access to seven comprehensive training modules designed to reinforce key topics in the book. View this presentation from Module 1 to get a better sense of how to use the Building Blocks framework. Read More

ICP Sample Form

View this sample ICP form to learn more about the tool. Get a sense of the format, the types of questions asked, and the way that the tool is scored. Read More

IEP Tip Sheets

Download a roundup of 10 of our best IEP tip sheets, adapted from Brookes books and Inclusion Lab posts. Great for sharing with parents and colleagues, these sheets are helpful reminders of best practices for IEP meetings. Read More

Picture Inclusion! Excerpt

Read this excerpt from Picture Inclusion! Snapshots of Successful Diverse Classrooms for an introduction and Chapter 1: Inclusion From Theory to Practice. Read More

Measuring the Quality of Inclusive Programs

How can programs measure the quality of their inclusive classrooms? This session from the 2018 QRIS BUILD Conference focused on the efforts of local communities to determine the quality of inclusive practices at QRIS sites using The Inclusive Classroom Profile (ICP). Participants were provided an overview of the pilot projects used and resources for utilizing the ICP at their own sites. Read More

The Project Approach for All Learners Video Content

In-service and preservice teachers often receive training in a curricular approach without considering how they might actually integrate it into their own setting. The video package included with The Project Approach for All Learners shows real teachers in their classrooms, modeling the book’s key strategies. View the handout for a full list of video content included in the online materials. Read More