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Behavior teaching plans

Learn different Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) strategies for teaching your students with behavior issues to protest appropriately in this sample teaching plan. ABA is a highly effective, rigorously researched intervention for children with autism spectrum disorders. Read More

Body Language & Gestures

This lesson plan from The Social Compass Curriculum will help students with autism understand what others are communicating when using body language. Read More

Grouping students using partner puzzles

Partner Puzzles are a fun, creative method for grouping students for small-group activities. Learn how they work in this quick classroom tip designed to decrease behavior issues and increase student motivation! Read More

What’s so smart about S.M.A.R.T. goals?

Discover how to create learning goals that are S.M.A.R.T. (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Results-oriented, and Time-bound) in this excerpt from this practical, accessible guidebook on Universal Design for Learning. Read More

6 Inclusion Barriers and Tips on Solving Them

When you’re just starting out with inclusion, the first steps can be the toughest. You might see a lot of barriers on the road ahead, from staff skepticism to plain old lack of time. Here are 6 of the most common obstacles to including all kids in the general curriculum—and some quick tips on overcoming them. Read More

Take our quiz: Who else benefits from peer support programs at your school?

Teachers are well aware of mandates calling on schools to improve outcomes and participation of all students, including students with disabilities. One approach teachers may not have contemplated that may actually make it easier to accomplish their goals is the use of peer support programs, which arrange for students to provide assistance to classmates with disabilities. Take our quiz and see what you might discover that you didn't know before about the benefits of peer support programs. Read More


Read the excerpt and discover the benefits of using technology in daily lessons to address learner needs. This excerpt includes how to use webcasts as an instructional tool, how to support literacy instruction through technology, and what technology looks like in the co-taught classroom. Read More