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Identify dyslexia using TILLS

Webinar participants will learn how to use an evidence-based assessment model and the Test of Integrated Language and Literacy Skills (TILLS) to decide whether a school-age student’s (ages 6-18 yrs) TILLS profile is consistent with a diagnosis of dyslexia or is a better fit to other types of language/literacy disorder. Read More

How to get the most out of TILLS

This webinar focuses on using design features unique to TILLS that allow you to assess a student’s oral and written language using a scientifically sound quadrant model. Read More

Use of technology in teaching

This chapter discusses the use of technology in teaching students with dyslexia, dysgraphia, OWL LD, and dyscalculia. The use of computers in content area instruction, as well as the use of computers for accommodation and explicit instruction, is covered. Read More

The Magnocellular Theory of Dyslexia

This excerpt examines the research supporting the belief that fundamental phonological reading problems in people with dyslexia may be due to mild, but pervasive, impaired development of magnocellular systems throughout the brain. Read More