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Floortime Strategies Menu

The DIRFloortime model is a highly effective intervention approach for children and adolescents with autism and other developmental disorders. Use this printabale and laminatable two-sided sheet as a guide when choosing which Floortime strategy you need to work on for the day. Read More

Take our quiz: Who else benefits from peer support programs at your school?

Teachers are well aware of mandates calling on schools to improve outcomes and participation of all students, including students with disabilities. One approach teachers may not have contemplated that may actually make it easier to accomplish their goals is the use of peer support programs, which arrange for students to provide assistance to classmates with disabilities. Take our quiz and see what you might discover that you didn't know before about the benefits of peer support programs. Read More

Using effective practices to teach students with moderate and severe disabilities

Read the excerpt to learn basic components of systematic instruction; how to task analyze a chained task; and describe how it can be taught across three instructional formats: forward chaining, backward chaining, and total task presentation. Upon completion of this excerpt, readers will be able to provide examples of general and specific attentional cues and responses, and describe the rationale for delivering one over the other. Read More

Membership, participation, and learning

Read the excerpt and see examples of three of the core best practices and ultimate outcomes of the BA Model—membership, participation, and learning. This excerpt provides an overview of how membership and participation provide the context for enhancing learning, as well as the importance of, strategies for enhancing, and indicators for membership, participation, and learning. Read More

Rethinking Students: Presuming Competence

This chapter from The Occupational Therapist's Handbook for Inclusive School Practices introduces the concept of rethinking students. Rethinking a student entails getting to know the student and then reflecting on how you see, treat, provide services to, and work with him or her. Read More

Rethinking Students: Presuming Competence

This chapter from The Speech-Language Pathologist's Handbook for Inclusive School Practices introduces the concept of rethinking students. Rethinking a student entails getting to know the student and then reflecting on how you see, treat, provide services to, and work with him or her. Read More