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Echo Reading

Excerpted from Interventions for Reading Success, Second Edition, this Home–School Connection activity will help students to increase passage reading fluency and accuracy. Read More

Playing with your child with ASD

Use these practical tips to make playtime with your child with ASD enjoyable for everyone. The tips were gathered from Let's Talk, a practical guide for parents of young children with autism. Read More

Sample Unit: Winter Vocabulary

This excerpt from PAVEd for Success provides pre-K and kindergarten teachers with common winter vocabulary terms and strategies for introducing them to their students. Read More

Tips for talking with toddlers

Opportunities to involve young kids in talk are all around you: a book, a favorite toy, a plane flying overhead, or even a routine chore can start great conversations that expand vocabulary and promote language skills. Check out this quick excerpt to learn key strategies for talking effectively with toddlers. Read More