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25 Questions for NEW Co-Teachers to Answer Together

Co-teaching experts Elizabeth Potts and Lori Howard put it this way: If you co-teach for just 50 minutes a day, that’s 125 hours you’ll be spending together this year—not including the time you’ll block off for planning, conferencing, ironing out kinks, and figuring out how to help Jimmy and Maya work toward their (very different) IEP goals. Read More

11 Things Rocking Co-Teachers Do

I’m bringing you a list of critical success factors for all co-teachers, excerpted and adapted from Julie Causton’s book, The Educator’s Handbook for Inclusive School Practices. Read More

Co-Teaching: How We Do It

If you just began a new school year as a co-teacher—or if you’re just intrigued by the possibilities of a teaching partnership and want to see one in action—this post is for you. Read More