Home and Community Social Behavior Scales sample rating form

View the sample HCSBS form to see the two co-normed scales: the Social Competence scale that includes 32 items that measure adaptive, prosocial skills and the Antisocial Behavior scale that includes 32 items to measure socially linked problem behaviors. The HCSBS Rating Form is part of a tool used to determine a child’s social-emotional strengths and risk behaviors at home and in the community. Read More

PreSET at a glance

View the chart for a brief overview of PreSET. PreSET is a comprehensive early childhoos tool that helps programs find out how well their interventions are working—and what areas they need to work on to improve children's social-emotional skills and behavior. Read More

Positive preschool behavior: Tools to improve children’s social-emotional skills

Any preschool teacher can tell you that behavior is critical to a positive learning and play environment. Fostering young children's social-emotional development not only smooths out the preschool day for everyone, but also helps children do better later in school and life. Here are 4 tools you can use to make sure your program is implementing best practices, supporting children's social skills, and addressing challenging behaviors. Read More