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Introduction to PTR-YC

Read the excerpt and learn the guiding beliefs and principles behind Prevent-Teach-Reinforce for Young Children (PTR-YC). Discover the principles behind understanding challenging behvaior, the five step process of PTR-YC, and factors that promote the effectiveness of PTR-YC. Read More

Cognitive & Receptive Language

Excerpted from Early Intervention Every Day! Embedding Activities in Daily Routines for Young Children and Their Families, this chapter contains milestones in the area of cognitive and receptive language skills. Read More

Collaboration and teamwork with families and professionals

Read the excerpt and learn about issues related to the creation of collaborative relationships with families, team members, and other professionals. Topics covered include: the importance of family–professional collaboration, the family-centered approach and family systems theory, team models in early intervention, strategies for effective collaboration, and best practice highlights. Read More

Comprehensive Linked System Framework for Service Delivery with Young Children

Intervention activities cannot stand alone; rather, to be maximally effective they need to be supported by and linked to other critical components of service delivery. Learn about the linked system framework, which is comprised of screening, assessment, goal development, intervention, and monitoring progress as proposed in this chapter excerpt. Read More

Conversation Starters About Outcomes

In this excerpt, providers get tips on how to discuss intervention decisions with the family. Also included is a sample script in which a provider and a parent discuss a specific desired outcome regarding meal time. Read More

A framework for early detection/Child Find

Read the excerpt and learn the definitions of early detection/Child Find, developmental-behavioral screening, and the systems approach. The concepts of surveillance and follow-up are addressed and their use is reviewed. Read More