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Getting to Know the Family

This brief excerpt explains why it's useful for professionals to gather information on the families they serve, inculding details about family composition, culture/language, and customs. Read More

How do children benefit from inclusion

This chapter from First Steps to Preschool Inclusion uses research to share how preschoolers both with and without disabilities benefit from participating in high-quality inclusive environments. Read More

Identifying Early Literacy Learning Needs

In this chapter excerpt, read about emergent literacy state standards, purposeful assessment of emergent literacy skills, and education implications like universal screening, instructional planning, and progress monitoring. Read More

Implementation science: Defining the new frontier

Read the excerpt to learn the definitions of implementation science and common terms associated with this new discipline, shared themes across implementation frameworks, and application of implementation science in an early childhood context. Read More

Intervention to Equalize Early Experience

This final chapter of Meaningful Differences in the Everyday Experience of Young American Children explores the authors' conclusions from their groundbreaking word gap study and proposes strategies for leveling the playing field. Read More