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Communication: the heart of the work

Read the excerpt and discover steps teachers can take to start and sustain communication with grieving students. This excerpt also addresses why children who are grieving may not readily approach teachers about their loss. Read More

Components of Effective Instruction for Reading

Excerpted from Effective Instruction for Middle School Students with Reading Difficulties, this chapter lays out the most important practices that educators should use in order to reach the struggling readers of their classroom. Read More

Behavioral Assessment and Treatment of Pica

Pica is an eating disorder in which a person repeatedly consumes nonnutritive items, such as dirt or paint. Research suggests that pica affects between 6-25% of people with IDD. In this chapter excerpt, read about how to treat the disorder using medical and behavioral interventions. Read More

Building Blocks of Learning

Read the excerpt and become familiarized with the building blocks of learning framework. The framework contains 12 Building Blocks stacked into the shape of a pyramid. The 12 blocks of the pyramid are divided into three distinct groups: foundational, processing, and conceptual. Read More

Building Classroom Expertise

Imagine the possibilities for changing student attitudes and perspectives if students were invited not only to share their fascinations but also to serve as classroom experts and teachers in those areas. This quick excerpt provides ideas for building classroom expertise via student interests and passions. Read More

Bully prevention in positive behavior support

Read the excerpt and learn about bully prevention in positive behavior support curriculum (BP-PBS). This excerpt includes desciptions of lesson sequences, supervision components, as well as the benefits of BP-PBS. Read More